domain.pddl problem.pddl sas_plan /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y Functions: ( :functions ( total-cost ) - number ) | Action cost: move | without_action_costs | 0 Action cost: push-to-nongoal | ( increase ( total-cost ) 1 ) | 0 Action cost: push-to-goal | ( increase ( total-cost ) 1 ) | 0 Fluent: ( = ( total-cost ) 0 ) Metric: ( :metric minimize ( total-cost ) ) /planner/src/parser /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y original_domain: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain.pddl domain_wac: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain_without_action_costs.txt domain_wce: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain_wce.txt domain_ready: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain_ready.txt original_problem: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem.pddl problem_wac: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem_without_action_costs.txt problem_wce: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/facts_wce.txt problem_ready: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem_ready.txt action_costs_domain_file: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/action_costs_from_domain_file.txt action_costs_problem_file: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/action_costs_from_problem_file.txt Action costs processed. highest number of when per action: 0 El dominio original no tiene efectos condicionales, por lo tanto no es necesario realizar la compilacion. Parsing... Parsing: [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Normalizing task... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating... Generating Datalog program... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Normalizing Datalog program... Normalizing Datalog program: [0.000s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] Preparing model... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Generated 38 rules. Computing model... [0.020s CPU, 0.012s wall-clock] 375 relevant atoms 528 auxiliary atoms 903 final queue length 1060 total queue pushes Completing instantiation... [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Instantiating: [0.020s CPU, 0.024s wall-clock] Computing fact groups... Finding invariants... 7 initial candidates Finding invariants: [0.010s CPU, 0.006s wall-clock] Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Collecting mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Choosing groups... 20 uncovered facts Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Computing fact groups: [0.010s CPU, 0.009s wall-clock] Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building mutex information... Building mutex information: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task... Processing axioms... Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Processing axioms: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task: [0.010s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] 0 implied effects removed 112 effect conditions simplified 0 implied preconditions added Detecting unreachable propositions... 0 operators removed 7 propositions removed Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] 6,49,1,2,528,080,104 sokoban-sequential,p014-microban-sequential,2,6,49,7,1,102,2,3,0,1,38,375,528,903,1060,-1,-1,-1,0,112,0,21,0,80,19,104,78,795 End the translate Translator variables: 21 Translator derived variables: 0 Translator facts: 80 Translator mutex groups: 19 Translator total mutex groups size: 104 Translator operators: 78 Translator task size: 795 Translator peak memory: 25560 KB Writing output... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Done! [0.040s CPU, 0.043s wall-clock] Building causal graph... The causal graph is not acyclic. 21 variables of 21 necessary 16 of 19 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Building domain transition graphs... solveable in poly time 0 Building successor generator... Preprocessor facts: 80 Preprocessor derived variables: 0 Preprocessor task size: 751 Writing output... statistics DTG 21,2, 182, 632, 0.115385, 3.47253, 30.0952, 0.0952381, 20, 8.66667, 4.6938, 18, 8.66667, 4.36799, 236, 30.0952, 50.6283,118, 30.0952, 24.7731 , 0, 0, 0, 60, 5.71429, 17.6126, 0, 0, 0, 60, 5.71429,17.6126, 80, 314, 946, 0.331924, 0.254777, 1, 41, 5.03486, 0.207827, 41, 5.03486, 0.207827, 127, 12.7504,0.519566, 127,12.7504, 0.207827 -- 21,0.0952381, 4.6938, 8.66667, 236, 30.0952,17.6126, 0,80, 314, 127 done ff: parsing domain file domain 'SOKOBAN-SEQUENTIAL' defined ... done. ff: parsing problem file problem 'P014-MICROBAN-SEQUENTIAL' defined ... done. no optimization required. skipping criterion. no metric specified. plan length assumed. checking for cyclic := effects --- OK. Evaluation function 1.000000*g(s) + 3.000000*h(s) where metric is plan length INITIAL STATE FEEATURES num_relevant_facts: 62 num_actions: 78 rp_fact_balance_min: -2 rp_fact_balance_avg: -0.032258 rp_fact_balance_var: 0.567045 rp_goal_balance_min: -1 rp_goal_balance_avg: -1.000000 rp_goal_balance_var: 0.000000 Planning Graph Fact Serie: 17 2 1 1 1 2 3 6 6 1 Relaxed Plan Add Serie: 0 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 Relaxed Plan Del Serie: 0 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 Achieved Goal Serie: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Applicable Action Serie: 1 2 2 2 3 4 6 13 17 0 Unbalance Fact Serie: 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 4 0 Balance Fact Serie: 17 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 6 Num relevant ops: 78 balance Ratio: 3.218 Unbalance Ratio: 1.192 Balance Distorsion: 19 Balance Distorsion: 19 h_ff: 9 h_max: 9 h_ffratio 1.00 Parsing... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Instantiating... Normalizing task... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Generating Datalog program... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Normalizing Datalog program... Normalizing Datalog program: [0.010s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] Preparing model... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Generated 38 rules. Computing model... [0.010s CPU, 0.011s wall-clock] 375 relevant atoms 528 auxiliary atoms 903 final queue length 1060 total queue pushes Completing instantiation... [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Instantiating: [0.020s CPU, 0.021s wall-clock] Computing fact groups... Finding invariants... 7 initial candidates Finding invariants: [0.010s CPU, 0.006s wall-clock] Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Collecting mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Choosing groups... 20 uncovered facts Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Computing fact groups: [0.010s CPU, 0.008s wall-clock] Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building mutex information... Building mutex information: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task... Processing axioms... Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Processing axioms: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task: [0.000s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] 0 implied effects removed 34 effect conditions simplified 0 implied preconditions added Detecting unreachable propositions... 0 operators removed 7 propositions removed Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Translator variables: 21 Translator derived variables: 0 Translator facts: 80 Translator mutex groups: 19 Translator total mutex groups size: 104 Translator operators: 78 Translator task size: 795 Writing output... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Done! [0.030s CPU, 0.036s wall-clock] Building causal graph... The causal graph is not acyclic. 21 variables of 21 necessary 16 of 19 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Building domain transition graphs... solveable in poly time 0 Building successor generator... Preprocessor facts: 80 Preprocessor derived variables: 0 Preprocessor task size: 751 Writing output... done Dispatcher selected state size 1. This is a nonunit task. Simplifying transitions... done! Initializing heuristic cache... done! Initializing Exploration... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000135908s Discovered 3 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 1 edges Initializing landmarks count heuristic... 2 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks -------------------------------------------------- TrainingTasks begin Initializing Exploration... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 9.3696e-05s Discovered 3 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 1 edges Initializing heuristic cache... done! Initializing landmarks count heuristic... 2 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initializing additive heuristic... Simplifying 314 unary operators... done! [314 unary operators] Initializing blind search heuristic... Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing additive heuristic... Simplifying 314 unary operators... done! [314 unary operators] Initializing goal count heuristic... Initializing landmark cut heuristic... Initializing HSP max heuristic... Simplifying 314 unary operators... done! [314 unary operators] -------------------------------------------------- TrainingTasks end Peak memory: 3880 KB Dispatcher selected state size 1. This is a nonunit task. Simplifying transitions... done! Initializing Exploration... Initializing Exploration... H_m_Landmarks(1) Using 80 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000654128s Discovered 18 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 26 edges Initializing Exploration... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000120133s Discovered 3 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 1 edges Initializing Exploration... Generating landmarks using Zhu/Givan label propagation Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.0105362s Discovered 18 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 16 edges Initializing Exploration... Merging 3 landmark graphs Adding simple landmarks Adding disjunctive landmarks Adding orderings Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000300317s Discovered 19 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 36 edges Peak memory: 4344 KB caught signal 11 -- exiting Dispatcher selected state size 1. This is a nonunit task. Simplifying transitions... done! Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 2147483647 Initializing Red-Black Relaxation heuristic... Running A* instead of Dijkstra. Using the distances ignoring outside conditions for heuristic estimates. Preferred operators (if used) are set from relaxed plan Conflict costs are estimated Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing additive heuristic... Simplifying 314 unary operators... done! [314 unary operators] Initializing extended DTGs Adding 78 operators to extended DTGs Checking invertibility... Done checking invertibility Checking connectivity... Done checking connectivity Total number of invertible variables is 3 Invertible variables connection status: 1 Invertible variables without leafs connection status: 1 Setting black variables... Variables order is set --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total number of black variables is 2 Total number of black root variables is 0 Total number of variables is 21 Total number of variables with all pairs of values connected is 0 Total number of variables with all values connected to goal is 0 Total number of black variables with strongly connected parents only is 0 Maximal number of side effects for black variable is 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black DAG usage status: 0 print_statistics 2,0,21,0,0,0,4 heree Counting red preconditions.. Keeping achieving operators for red facts.. Initializing black variables... Adding edges to forward graph, for the later calculation of missing values Precalculating all pair shortest paths Finished initializing Red-Black Relaxation heuristic at time step [t=0s] Peak memory: 3600 KB /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/translateFile /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/features.arff /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/initfeature-info.txt /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/landmark.arff /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/red-black /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/tmp_results sokoban-sequential,p014-microban-sequential,2,6,49,7,1,102,2,3,0,1,38,375,528,903,1060,0,112,0,21,0,80,19,104,78,795,21,2, 182, 632, 0.115385, 3.47253, 30.0952, 0.0952381, 20, 8.66667, 4.6938, 18, 8.66667, 4.36799, 236, 30.0952, 50.6283,118, 30.0952, 24.7731, 0, 0, 0, 60, 5.71429, 17.6126, 0, 0, 0, 60, 5.71429,17.6126,80, 314, 946, 0.331924, 0.254777, 1, 41, 5.03486, 0.207827, 41, 5.03486, 0.207827, 127, 12.7504,0.519566, 127,12.7504, 0.207827, 1, /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem.pddl, 62, 78, 9, 9, 1.000000, -2, -0.032258, 0.567045, -1, -1.000000, 0.000000, 3.217949, 1.192308, 19,16,1,4,15,9,1,1,9,9,19,36,1.89474,11,2,6,1.89474,3,0,1.89474,17,3.87298,2,0,21,0,0,0,4,9 results 7 ***** 1 1 inst: 1 actual: True predicted: True error: 0.709 planner: fdss-2 ***** 2 1 inst: 2 actual: True predicted: True error: 0.942 planner: probe ***** 3 1 inst: 3 actual: True predicted: False error: 0.702 planner: yahsp2-mt ***** 4 1 inst: 4 actual: True predicted: True error: 0.931 planner: mercury ***** 5 1 inst: 5 actual: True predicted: True error: 0.786 planner: jasper ***** 6 1 inst: 6 actual: True predicted: True error: 0.51 planner: siw ***** 7 1 inst: 7 actual: True predicted: True error: 0.965 planner: bfs-f MEMORY TOTAL: 16752996352 *************************** /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y /planner/src Run command: python2.7 /planner/src/parser/ /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain.pddl /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem.pddl Portfolio runs original domain/problem Parser took 1.0 seconds Extract Features with original problem and domain Run command: ulimit -v 4194304;ulimit -t 50; python2.7 /planner/src/features/translate/ /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain.pddl /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem.pddl Run command: ulimit -v 4194304;ulimit -t 50; /planner/src/features/preprocess/preprocess < /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/ Run command: ulimit -v 4194304;ulimit -t 50; /planner/src/features/ff-learner/roller3.0 -o /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain.pddl -f /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem.pddl -S 28 Run command: ulimit -v 4194304;ulimit -t 100; /planner/src/features/heuristics/ /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain.pddl /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem.pddl Run command: ulimit -v 4194304;ulimit -t 100; /planner/src/search/downward --landmarks "lm=lm_merged([lm_hm(m=1),lm_rhw(),lm_zg()])" < /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/output Run command: ulimit -v 4194304;ulimit -t 100; /planner/src/search-mercury/downward ipc seq-agl-mercury /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/outputModel Run command: python2.7 /planner/src/models/ /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/outputModel /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/listPlanner Model 2.0 seconds Main portfolio runs 4.0 seconds **** PRINT PLANNERS SELECTED **** bfs-f 60 probe 60 mercury 60 jasper 60 fdss-2 60 **** END PLANNERS SELECTED **** Select the planners 0.000107049942017 seconds Time took 5.0 seconds Original_Domain: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain.pddl Original_Problem: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem.pddl Modified_Domain: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/domain_ready.txt Modified_Problem: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/problem_ready.txt Original_Plan_file: sas_plan Plans folder: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y ***************** --- OK. Match tree built with 78 nodes. PDDL problem description loaded: Domain: SOKOBAN-SEQUENTIAL Problem: P014-MICROBAN-SEQUENTIAL #Actions: 78 #Fluents: 62 Landmarks found: 2 Starting search with BFS(novel,land,h_add)... --[4294967295 / 16]-- --[1 / 16]-- --[1 / 13]-- --[1 / 11]-- --[1 / 9]-- --[1 / 7]-- --[1 / 5]-- --[1 / 3]-- --[1 / 2]-- --[1 / 1]-- --[1 / 0]-- --[0 / 0]-- Total time: 0.004 Nodes generated during search: 302 Nodes expanded during search: 141 Plan found with cost: 51 BFS search completed in 0.004 secs --- OK. Fluents=64 Operators=81 ================================================ ;; PROBE searching... ================================================ [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] Advancing to distance: 5 gn:0(0/5 nodes expanded so far) open: 5 [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [0] [0] [1] [2] [0] [1] [2] Advancing to distance: 3 gn:6(36/33 nodes expanded so far) open: 24 [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [0] [1] Advancing to distance: 2 gn:9(60/47 nodes expanded so far) open: 31 ================================================ ;; SOLUTION 1 ;; Plan cost: 10.000000, steps: 51 ;; Time: 0.012 ================================================ ================================================ ;; WA*, h_add_RP, w = 5.000, bound = 10.000 ================================================ ;; Minimum h value: 16.000 ;; Minimum h value: 14.000 ;; Minimum h value: 13.000 ;; Minimum h value: 12.000 ;; Minimum h value: 11.000 ;; Minimum h value: 10.000 ;; Minimum h value: 9.000 ;; Minimum h value: 7.000 ;; Minimum h value: 1.000 1. Running translator Second argument is a file name: use two translator arguments. Parsing... Parsing: [0.020s CPU, 0.010s wall-clock] Normalizing task... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating... Generating Datalog program... [0.000s CPU, 0.004s wall-clock] Normalizing Datalog program... Normalizing Datalog program: [0.010s CPU, 0.010s wall-clock] Preparing model... [0.010s CPU, 0.008s wall-clock] Generated 38 rules. Computing model... [0.070s CPU, 0.078s wall-clock] 375 relevant atoms 528 auxiliary atoms 903 final queue length 1060 total queue pushes Completing instantiation... [0.020s CPU, 0.016s wall-clock] Instantiating: [0.110s CPU, 0.116s wall-clock] Computing fact groups... Finding invariants... 7 initial candidates Finding invariants: [0.020s CPU, 0.019s wall-clock] Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] Collecting mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Choosing groups... 20 uncovered facts Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Computing fact groups: [0.020s CPU, 0.025s wall-clock] Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building mutex information... Building mutex information: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Translating task... Processing axioms... Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Processing axioms: [0.010s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Translating task: [0.020s CPU, 0.015s wall-clock] 0 implied effects removed 0 effect conditions simplified 0 implied preconditions added Detecting unreachable propositions... 0 operators removed 7 propositions removed Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.000s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] Translator variables: 21 Translator derived variables: 0 Translator facts: 80 Translator goal facts: 2 Translator mutex groups: 19 Translator total mutex groups size: 104 Translator operators: 78 Translator axioms: 0 Translator task size: 795 Translator peak memory: 101724 KB Writing output... [0.030s CPU, 0.023s wall-clock] Done! [0.200s CPU, 0.195s wall-clock] 2. Running preprocessor Building causal graph... The causal graph is not acyclic. 21 variables of 21 necessary 16 of 19 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Building domain transition graphs... solveable in poly time 0 Building successor generator... Preprocessor facts: 80 Preprocessor derived variables: 0 Preprocessor task size: 751 Writing output... done 3. Running search /planner/src/mercury/src/search/downward < output ipc seq-agl-mercury --plan-file /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result Dispatcher selected state size 1. This is a nonunit task. Simplifying transitions... done! Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 2147483647 Initializing Red-Black Relaxation heuristic... Running A* instead of Dijkstra. Using the distances ignoring outside conditions for heuristic estimates. Preferred operators (if used) are set from relaxed plan Conflict costs are estimated Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing additive heuristic... Simplifying 314 unary operators... done! [314 unary operators] Initializing extended DTGs Adding 78 operators to extended DTGs Checking invertibility... Done checking invertibility Checking connectivity... Done checking connectivity Total number of invertible variables is 3 Invertible variables connection status: 1 Invertible variables without leafs connection status: 1 Setting black variables... Variables order is set --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total number of black variables is 2 Total number of black root variables is 0 Total number of variables is 21 Total number of variables with all pairs of values connected is 0 Total number of variables with all values connected to goal is 0 Total number of black variables with strongly connected parents only is 0 Maximal number of side effects for black variable is 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black DAG usage status: 0 Counting red preconditions.. Keeping achieving operators for red facts.. Initializing black variables... Adding edges to forward graph, for the later calculation of missing values Precalculating all pair shortest paths Finished initializing Red-Black Relaxation heuristic at time step [t=0s] Best heuristic value: 9 [g=0, 1 evaluated, 0 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 8 [g=1, 2 evaluated, 1 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 7 [g=2, 3 evaluated, 2 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 6 [g=3, 4 evaluated, 3 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 5 [g=4, 5 evaluated, 4 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 4 [g=5, 6 evaluated, 5 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 3 [g=31, 47 evaluated, 41 expanded, t=0s] Cost to: 9, cost from: 1 the total is: 10 Solution found! Actual search time: 0s [t=0s] move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-5 pos-3-5 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-4-5 dir-right (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-5 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-3-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-4-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 dir-left (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-4 pos-6-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-2 pos-4-3 pos-4-4 dir-down (1) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-4-5 pos-3-5 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-2-5 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-5 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (1) Plan length: 51 step(s). Plan cost: 10 Initial state h value: 9. Expanded 87 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 97 state(s). Evaluations: 97 Generated 198 state(s). Dead ends: 9 state(s). Search time: 0s Total time: 0s Solution found. Peak memory: 3600 KB Skip the translate Skip the preprocess 3. Running search Dispatcher selected state size . This is a nonunit task. Skip the translate Skip the preprocess 3. Running search Dispatcher selected state size 1. This is a nonunit task. External time limit: 60 Internal time limit: 60 External memory limit: 7965671424 Internal memory limit: 7913242624 WARNING! elapsed_time not found -- assuming full time available. remaining time at start: 60.0 g bound: infinity next plan number: 1 remaining time: 59.98 config 0: relative time 330, remaining 1595 args: ['/planner/src/fdss-2/../search/downward-1', '--heuristic', 'h=ff(cost_type=1)', '--search', 'eager_greedy(h,preferred=h,cost_type=1,bound=infinity)', '--plan-file', '/home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result.1'] timeout: 12.41 Simplifying transitions... done! Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 2147483647 Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing additive heuristic... Simplifying 314 unary operators... done! [314 unary operators] Best heuristic value: 9 [g=0, 1 evaluated, 0 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 8 [g=1, 2 evaluated, 1 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 7 [g=2, 3 evaluated, 2 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 6 [g=3, 4 evaluated, 3 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 5 [g=4, 5 evaluated, 4 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 4 [g=5, 7 evaluated, 5 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 3 [g=33, 57 evaluated, 44 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 2 [g=49, 112 evaluated, 86 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 1 [g=50, 114 evaluated, 87 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 0 [g=51, 115 evaluated, 88 expanded, t=0s] Solution found! Actual search time: 0s [t=0s] move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-3-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-4-5 dir-right (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-5 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-3-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-4-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 dir-left (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-4 pos-6-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-2 pos-4-3 pos-4-4 dir-down (1) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-4-5 pos-3-5 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-2-5 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-5 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (1) Plan length: 51 step(s). Plan cost: 10 Initial state h value: 9. Expanded 89 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 115 state(s). Evaluations: 203 Generated 201 state(s). Dead ends: 10 state(s). Search space hash size: 115 Search space hash bucket count: 193 Search time: 0s Total time: 0s Solution found. Peak memory: 4080 KB returncode: 0 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 remaining time: 59.98 config 0: relative time 330, remaining 1595 args: ['/planner/src/fdss-2/../search/downward-1', '--heuristic', 'h=ff(cost_type=2)', '--search', 'eager_greedy(h,preferred=h,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--plan-file', '/home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result.2'] timeout: 12.41 Simplifying transitions... done! Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing additive heuristic... Simplifying 314 unary operators... done! [314 unary operators] Best heuristic value: 13 [g=0, 1 evaluated, 0 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 12 [g=0, 2 evaluated, 1 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 11 [g=0, 3 evaluated, 2 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 10 [g=0, 4 evaluated, 3 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 9 [g=0, 5 evaluated, 4 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 8 [g=0, 7 evaluated, 5 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 7 [g=4, 57 evaluated, 46 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 6 [g=4, 58 evaluated, 47 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 5 [g=5, 59 evaluated, 48 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 4 [g=9, 94 evaluated, 71 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 3 [g=9, 95 evaluated, 72 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 2 [g=9, 97 evaluated, 73 expanded, t=0s] Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0s [t=0s] Initial state h value: 13. Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 180 state(s). Evaluations: 344 Generated 365 state(s). Dead ends: 16 state(s). Search space hash size: 180 Search space hash bucket count: 193 Search time: 0s Total time: 0s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4080 KB returncode: 5 Build final config. Abort portfolio and run final config. g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 remaining time: 59.96 config 0: relative time 1, remaining 1 args: ['/planner/src/fdss-2/../search/downward-1', '--heuristic', 'h=ff(cost_type=2)', '--search', 'iterated([eager(single(sum([g(),weight(h,5)])),preferred=h,cost_type=0),eager(single(sum([g(),weight(h,3)])),preferred=h,cost_type=0),eager(single(sum([g(),weight(h,2)])),preferred=h,cost_type=0),eager(single(sum([g(),weight(h,1)])),preferred=h,cost_type=0)],bound=10,repeat_last=true,plan_counter=1)', '--plan-file', '/home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result'] timeout: 59.96 Simplifying transitions... done! Starting search: eager(single(sum(list(g, weight(h, 5)))), preferred = h, cost_type = 0) Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing additive heuristic... Simplifying 314 unary operators... done! [314 unary operators] Best heuristic value: 13 [g=0, 1 evaluated, 0 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 12 [g=0, 2 evaluated, 1 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 11 [g=0, 3 evaluated, 2 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 10 [g=0, 4 evaluated, 3 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 9 [g=0, 5 evaluated, 4 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 8 [g=0, 7 evaluated, 5 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 7 [g=4, 51 evaluated, 41 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 6 [g=4, 52 evaluated, 42 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 5 [g=5, 53 evaluated, 43 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 4 [g=9, 93 evaluated, 71 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 3 [g=9, 94 evaluated, 72 expanded, t=0s] Best heuristic value: 2 [g=9, 96 evaluated, 73 expanded, t=0s] Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0s [t=0s] Initial state h value: 13. Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 169 state(s). Evaluations: 324 Generated 343 state(s). Dead ends: 14 state(s). Search space hash size: 169 Search space hash bucket count: 193 No solution found - stop searching Actual search time: 0s [t=0s] Cumulative statistics: Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 169 state(s). Evaluations: 324 Generated 343 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Search time: 0s Total time: 0s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4080 KB returncode: 5 Exit codes: [0, 5, 5] run_portfolio /planner/src/fdss-2/../search/ --plan-file /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result *********************************** *** Planner_path: /planner/src/bfs-f/plan TimeOut: 60 *** **************************************************** Name: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result New best plan cost found: 10 Run command: mv /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result sas_plan Planner /planner/src/bfs-f/plan run 5 seconds **************************************************** *** Planner_path: /planner/src/probe/plan TimeOut: 60 *** **************************************************** Name: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result.1 ERROR: El plan /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result.1 is worse (10) than the previous plan generated (10), therefore we remove it Planner /planner/src/probe/plan run 40 seconds **************************************************** *** Planner_path: /planner/src/mercury/plan TimeOut: 60 *** **************************************************** Name: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result ERROR: El plan /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result is worse (10) than the previous plan generated (10), therefore we remove it Planner /planner/src/mercury/plan run 5 seconds **************************************************** *** Planner_path: /planner/src/jasper/plan TimeOut: 60 *** **************************************************** Planner /planner/src/jasper/plan run 5 seconds **************************************************** *** Planner_path: /planner/src/fdss-2/plan TimeOut: 60 *** **************************************************** Name: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result.1 ERROR: El plan /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/cleaned_result.result.1 is worse (10) than the previous plan generated (10), therefore we remove it Planner /planner/src/fdss-2/plan run 5 seconds Main portfolio runs 65.0 seconds Main portfolio runs 65.0 seconds -------------------- END -------------------- Checking plan: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/sas_plan Plan executed successfully - checking goal Plan valid Final value: 10 Successful plans: Value: 10 /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpSoL2_Y/sas_plan 10