INFO Running translator. INFO translator input: ['domain.pddl', 'problem.pddl'] INFO translator arguments: ['--invariant-generation-max-time=1'] INFO translator time limit: 1799.9s INFO translator memory limit: 8192 MB INFO callstring: /usr/bin/python /planner/builds/release64/bin/translate/ domain.pddl problem.pddl --invariant-generation-max-time=1 time limit 1799.90 -> (1800, 1801) Parsing... Parsing: [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Normalizing task... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating... Generating Datalog program... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Normalizing Datalog program... Normalizing Datalog program: [0.010s CPU, 0.004s wall-clock] Preparing model... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Generated 38 rules. Computing model... [0.010s CPU, 0.010s wall-clock] 375 relevant atoms 528 auxiliary atoms 903 final queue length 1060 total queue pushes Completing instantiation... [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Instantiating: [0.020s CPU, 0.021s wall-clock] Computing fact groups... Finding invariants... 7 initial candidates Finding invariants: [0.010s CPU, 0.006s wall-clock] Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Collecting mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Choosing groups... 20 uncovered facts Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Computing fact groups: [0.020s CPU, 0.009s wall-clock] Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building mutex information... Building mutex information: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task... Processing axioms... Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Processing axioms: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task: [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] 112 effect conditions simplified 0 implied preconditions added Detecting unreachable propositions... 0 operators removed 0 axioms removed 7 propositions removed Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.000s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] Reordering and filtering variables... 21 of 21 variables necessary. 16 of 19 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Reordering and filtering variables: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Translator variables: 21 Translator derived variables: 0 Translator facts: 80 Translator goal facts: 2 Translator mutex groups: 16 Translator total mutex groups size: 60 Translator operators: 78 Translator axioms: 0 Translator task size: 751 Translator peak memory: 26468 KB Writing output... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Done! [0.040s CPU, 0.045s wall-clock] INFO Run task transformation (/planner/builds/h2-mutexes/bin/preprocess). INFO callstring: /planner/builds/h2-mutexes/bin/preprocess < Building causal graph... The causal graph is not acyclic. 21 variables of 21 necessary 16 of 16 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Initializing mutex computation... Mutex computation initialized with 80 fluents. iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index fw Initialized mvalues forward: reached=441, notReached=5147, spurious=812 Initialize m_ops fw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=5294, notReached=294, spurious=812 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added fw: 294, unreachable: 0 0 of 78 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index bw Init values regression Initialized mvalues backward: reached=2427, notReached=2867, spurious=1106 Initialize m_ops bw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=3439, notReached=1855, spurious=1106 24 operators are spurious because were not triggered Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-3) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-3-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-4-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-4-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-5-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-6-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-6-4) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-2-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-2-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-3-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-4-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-4-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-5-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-6-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-6-4) H^2 mutexes added bw: 4, unreachable: 17 3 of 54 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index fw Initialized mvalues forward: reached=441, notReached=2998, spurious=2961 Initialize m_ops fw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=2909, notReached=530, spurious=2961 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-4) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-4-3) H^2 mutexes added fw: 336, unreachable: 2 0 of 51 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index bw Init values regression Initialized mvalues backward: reached=1856, notReached=1053, spurious=3491 Initialize m_ops bw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=2909, notReached=0, spurious=3491 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added bw: 0, unreachable: 0 0 of 51 operators detected as spurious Total mutex and disambiguation time: 0.004815 iterations: 4 333 of 333 mutex groups necessary. 51 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Change id of operators: 51 Change id of mutexes Change id of goals Change id of initial state Remove unreachable facts from variables: 21 231 of 333 mutex groups necessary. 51 of 51 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Updating causal graph and pruning unnecessary facts 21 variables of 21 of 21 necessary The causal graph is not acyclic. 21 variables of 21 necessary 231 of 231 mutex groups necessary. 51 of 51 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Building domain transition graphs... solveable in poly time 0 Building successor generator... Preprocessor variables: 21 Preprocessor facts: 61 Preprocessor derived variables: 0 Preprocessor operators: 51 Preprocessor mutex groups: 231 Preprocessor task size: 900 Writing output... done INFO Running search (release64). INFO search input: INFO search arguments: [] INFO search time limit: 1799.79s INFO search memory limit: 8192 MB INFO search executable: /planner/builds/release64/bin/downward INFO search portfolio: /planner/driver/portfolios/ Exit codes: remaining time: 1799.79 config 0: relative time 1, remaining 291 g bound: infinity next plan number: 1 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_greedy([hff, hlm], preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=infinity)', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 6.18 -> (7, 8) reading input... [t=0.000657423s] done reading input! [t=0.00124667s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00125549s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00133638s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.4989e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00136852s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000707379s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 2147483647 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 [g=0, 1 evaluated, 0 expanded, t=0.0025072s, 5052 KB] Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 18 [g=2, 3 evaluated, 2 expanded, t=0.00258173s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 17 [g=3, 4 evaluated, 3 expanded, t=0.00264213s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 [g=4, 5 evaluated, 4 expanded, t=0.002686s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 15 [g=5, 6 evaluated, 5 expanded, t=0.00272591s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 14 [g=6, 7 evaluated, 6 expanded, t=0.0027655s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 13 [g=7, 8 evaluated, 7 expanded, t=0.0028035s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 12 [g=8, 9 evaluated, 8 expanded, t=0.00284418s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 11 [g=9, 11 evaluated, 10 expanded, t=0.00289219s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 13 [g=10, 12 evaluated, 11 expanded, t=0.00293117s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 10 New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 11 [g=11, 13 evaluated, 12 expanded, t=0.00297023s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 9 [g=12, 14 evaluated, 13 expanded, t=0.00300815s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 7 [g=13, 15 evaluated, 14 expanded, t=0.00304747s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 10 [g=18, 20 evaluated, 19 expanded, t=0.00312594s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 9 [g=20, 23 evaluated, 22 expanded, t=0.00318077s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 6 [g=23, 26 evaluated, 25 expanded, t=0.00323977s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 [g=24, 27 evaluated, 26 expanded, t=0.0032773s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 3 [g=25, 31 evaluated, 30 expanded, t=0.00333999s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 [g=31, 40 evaluated, 39 expanded, t=0.00345593s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 4 [g=32, 41 evaluated, 40 expanded, t=0.00349433s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 3 [g=39, 48 evaluated, 47 expanded, t=0.0035732s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 1 [g=46, 56 evaluated, 55 expanded, t=0.0036715s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 2 [g=49, 59 evaluated, 58 expanded, t=0.0037217s, 5052 KB] New best heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 1 [g=50, 60 evaluated, 59 expanded, t=0.00375598s, 5052 KB] Solution found! Actual search time: 0.0013056s [t=0.00379008s] move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-3-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-4-5 dir-right (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-5 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-3-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-4-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 dir-left (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-4 pos-6-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-2 pos-4-3 pos-4-4 dir-down (1) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-4-5 pos-3-5 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-2-5 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-5 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (1) Plan length: 51 step(s). Plan cost: 10 Expanded 60 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 61 state(s). Evaluations: 122 Generated 131 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 61 Int hash set load factor: 61/64 = 0.953125 Int hash set resizes: 6 Search time: 0.00132103s Total time: 0.00379294s Solution found. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 0 Checking plan: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpq4eT81/sas_plan Plan executed successfully - checking goal Plan valid Final value: 10 Successful plans: Value: 10 /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpq4eT81/sas_plan 10