INFO Running translator. INFO translator input: ['domain.pddl', 'problem.pddl'] INFO translator arguments: [] INFO translator time limit: 1799.9s INFO translator memory limit: 8192 MB INFO callstring: /usr/bin/python /planner/builds/release64/bin/translate/ domain.pddl problem.pddl time limit 1799.90 -> (1800, 1801) Parsing... Parsing: [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Normalizing task... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating... Generating Datalog program... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Normalizing Datalog program... Normalizing Datalog program: [0.000s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] Preparing model... [0.010s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Generated 38 rules. Computing model... [0.000s CPU, 0.009s wall-clock] 375 relevant atoms 528 auxiliary atoms 903 final queue length 1060 total queue pushes Completing instantiation... [0.010s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Instantiating: [0.020s CPU, 0.020s wall-clock] Computing fact groups... Finding invariants... 7 initial candidates Finding invariants: [0.010s CPU, 0.006s wall-clock] Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Collecting mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Choosing groups... 20 uncovered facts Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Computing fact groups: [0.010s CPU, 0.009s wall-clock] Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building mutex information... Building mutex information: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task... Processing axioms... Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Processing axioms: [0.010s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task: [0.010s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] 112 effect conditions simplified 0 implied preconditions added Detecting unreachable propositions... 0 operators removed 0 axioms removed 7 propositions removed Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.000s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] Reordering and filtering variables... 21 of 21 variables necessary. 16 of 19 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Reordering and filtering variables: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Translator variables: 21 Translator derived variables: 0 Translator facts: 80 Translator goal facts: 2 Translator mutex groups: 16 Translator total mutex groups size: 60 Translator operators: 78 Translator axioms: 0 Translator task size: 751 Translator peak memory: 26452 KB Writing output... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Done! [0.040s CPU, 0.043s wall-clock] INFO Run task transformation (/planner/builds/h2-mutexes/bin/preprocess). INFO callstring: /planner/builds/h2-mutexes/bin/preprocess < Building causal graph... The causal graph is not acyclic. 21 variables of 21 necessary 16 of 16 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Initializing mutex computation... Mutex computation initialized with 80 fluents. iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index fw Initialized mvalues forward: reached=441, notReached=5147, spurious=812 Initialize m_ops fw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=5294, notReached=294, spurious=812 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added fw: 294, unreachable: 0 0 of 78 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index bw Init values regression Initialized mvalues backward: reached=2427, notReached=2867, spurious=1106 Initialize m_ops bw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=3439, notReached=1855, spurious=1106 24 operators are spurious because were not triggered Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-3) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-3-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-4-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-4-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-5-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-6-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-6-4) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-2-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-2-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-3-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-4-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-4-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-5-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-6-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-6-4) H^2 mutexes added bw: 4, unreachable: 17 3 of 54 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index fw Initialized mvalues forward: reached=441, notReached=2998, spurious=2961 Initialize m_ops fw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=2909, notReached=530, spurious=2961 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-4) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-4-3) H^2 mutexes added fw: 336, unreachable: 2 0 of 51 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index bw Init values regression Initialized mvalues backward: reached=1856, notReached=1053, spurious=3491 Initialize m_ops bw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=2909, notReached=0, spurious=3491 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added bw: 0, unreachable: 0 0 of 51 operators detected as spurious Total mutex and disambiguation time: 0.004868 iterations: 4 333 of 333 mutex groups necessary. 51 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Change id of operators: 51 Change id of mutexes Change id of goals Change id of initial state Remove unreachable facts from variables: 21 231 of 333 mutex groups necessary. 51 of 51 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Updating causal graph and pruning unnecessary facts 21 variables of 21 of 21 necessary The causal graph is not acyclic. 21 variables of 21 necessary 231 of 231 mutex groups necessary. 51 of 51 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Building domain transition graphs... solveable in poly time 0 Building successor generator... Preprocessor variables: 21 Preprocessor facts: 61 Preprocessor derived variables: 0 Preprocessor operators: 51 Preprocessor mutex groups: 231 Preprocessor task size: 900 Writing output... done INFO Running search (release64). INFO search input: INFO search arguments: [] INFO search time limit: 1799.79s INFO search memory limit: 8192 MB INFO search executable: /planner/builds/release64/bin/downward INFO search portfolio: /planner/driver/portfolios/ Task has no conditional effects Exit codes: remaining time: 1799.79 config 0: relative time 1, remaining 1 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--search', 'astar(saturated_cost_partitioning([projections(systematic(2), max_time=100, max_peak_memory=2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time=100, random_seed=0)), cartesian()], max_time=200, max_optimization_time=2, diversify=true, random_seed=0, orders=greedy(random_seed=0)), pruning=stubborn_sets_simple(min_pruning_ratio=0.2))', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1799.79 -> (1800, 1801) reading input... [t=3.2307e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000625277s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000634653s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000717094s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.5201e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000750115s] [t=0.00115203s, 5232 KB] Compute patterns building causal graph...done! [t=0.000110306s] Found 15 SGA patterns. Found 15 interesting patterns. [t=0.00134004s, 5364 KB] Number of patterns: 15 [t=0.00137589s, 5364 KB] Time for computing patterns: 0.0002454s [t=0.00140476s, 5364 KB] Build projections [t=0.00203001s, 5364 KB] Time for building projections: 0.000623705s [t=0.00205327s, 5364 KB] Number of projections: 15 [t=0.00207505s, 5364 KB] Compute patterns PDB collection construction time: 3.0183e-05s Done calculating initial PDB collection Average operator cost: 0.254902 Done calculating initial candidate PDBs current collection size is 4 current initial h value: 1 Improvement below threshold. Stop hill climbing. iPDB: iterations = 1 iPDB: number of patterns = 2 iPDB: size = 4 iPDB: generated = 13 iPDB: rejected = 0 iPDB: maximum pdb size = 32 iPDB: hill climbing time: 0.00290921s Pattern generation (hill climbing) time: 0.00295522s [t=0.00505376s, 5496 KB] Number of patterns: 2 [t=0.00508701s, 5496 KB] Time for computing patterns: 0.00307028s [t=0.00515677s, 5496 KB] Build projections [t=0.0052177s, 5496 KB] Time for building projections: 6.7704e-05s [t=0.00524958s, 5496 KB] Number of projections: 2 [t=0.00527049s, 5496 KB] Generate CEGAR abstractions Initializing Exploration... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000266224s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 63 edges Sort 16 facts [t=0.00582567s, 5496 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 134217727 Maximum number of transitions: 62500 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00594171s, 5496 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000144301s Total operator cost: 13 States: 7 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 254 Non-looping transitions: 58 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 2 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00601037s, 5496 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 143165576 Maximum number of transitions: 66662 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00618804s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.0002048s Total operator cost: 13 States: 23 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 471 Non-looping transitions: 467 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00626616s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 153391686 Maximum number of transitions: 71391 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00639917s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000157814s Total operator cost: 13 States: 16 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 386 Non-looping transitions: 207 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00646888s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 165191046 Maximum number of transitions: 76866 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.0065658s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.00013109s Total operator cost: 13 States: 5 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 168 Non-looping transitions: 20 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00665166s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 178956966 Maximum number of transitions: 83270 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.0067523s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000124741s Total operator cost: 13 States: 10 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 271 Non-looping transitions: 58 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00681595s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 195225780 Maximum number of transitions: 90835 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00692024s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000128362s Total operator cost: 13 States: 9 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 1 Looping transitions: 247 Non-looping transitions: 56 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 2 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00698546s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 214748357 Maximum number of transitions: 99913 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00711608s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000154631s Total operator cost: 13 States: 17 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 406 Non-looping transitions: 233 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00718608s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 238609284 Maximum number of transitions: 110989 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00733595s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000175648s Total operator cost: 13 States: 21 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 452 Non-looping transitions: 395 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00741029s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 268435442 Maximum number of transitions: 124813 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.0075286s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000143076s Total operator cost: 13 States: 13 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 290 Non-looping transitions: 89 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 2 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00759648s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 306783360 Maximum number of transitions: 142631 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00774155s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000169132s Total operator cost: 13 States: 20 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 440 Non-looping transitions: 363 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00781362s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 357913917 Maximum number of transitions: 166342 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00793101s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000141514s Total operator cost: 13 States: 14 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 347 Non-looping transitions: 147 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00799926s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 429496698 Maximum number of transitions: 199581 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00811636s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000141129s Total operator cost: 13 States: 6 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 1 Looping transitions: 230 Non-looping transitions: 53 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 3 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00817624s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 536870871 Maximum number of transitions: 249463 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.0082666s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.00011423s Total operator cost: 13 States: 8 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 259 Non-looping transitions: 33 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00833124s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 715827826 Maximum number of transitions: 332607 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00845147s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000143944s Total operator cost: 13 States: 15 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 366 Non-looping transitions: 179 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00852019s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 1073741731 Maximum number of transitions: 498821 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00866292s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000168138s Total operator cost: 13 States: 19 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 0 Looping transitions: 426 Non-looping transitions: 322 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.00873657s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 2147483444 Maximum number of transitions: 997320 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.00883323s, 5628 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.000120726s Total operator cost: 13 States: 9 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 1 Looping transitions: 239 Non-looping transitions: 49 Deviations: 0 Unmet preconditions: 0 Unmet goals: 1 Sort 1 facts [t=0.00892727s, 5628 KB] Start building abstraction. Maximum number of states: 2147483435 Maximum number of transitions: 997271 Concrete solution found: 1 [t=0.014528s, 6156 KB] Done building abstraction. Time for building abstraction: 0.00563057s Total operator cost: 13 States: 401 Dead ends: 0 Init h: 9 Looping transitions: 151 Non-looping transitions: 1220 Deviations: 274 Unmet preconditions: 124 Unmet goals: 1 [t=0.014725s, 6156 KB] Done initializing additive Cartesian heuristic Cartesian abstractions built: 17 Abstractions stored: 4 Transition systems stored: 0 Cartesian states: 613 Total number of non-looping transitions: 3949 Cartesian abstractions: 4 [t=0.0148347s, 6156 KB] Convert to backward-graph abstractions [t=0.0149798s, 6156 KB] Done converting abstractions Time for building Cartesian abstractions: 0.00976437s [t=0.0150382s, 6156 KB] Abstractions: 21 [t=0.0150595s, 6156 KB] Abstractions per generator: [15, 2, 4] [t=0.0151401s, 6156 KB] Initialize greedy order generator [t=0.0152144s, 6156 KB] Time for computing h values and saturated costs: 7.1313e-05s [t=0.01524s, 6156 KB] Done computing surplus costs [t=0.0152594s, 6156 KB] Compute stolen costs [t=0.0152807s, 6156 KB] Time for initializing greedy order generator: 0.00013523s [t=0.0153489s, 6156 KB] Start sampling [t=0.0153717s, 6156 KB] Initial h value for sampling: 9 [t=0.0378378s, 6288 KB] Samples: 1000 [t=0.0378672s, 6288 KB] Sampling time: 0.0225381s [t=0.0385201s, 6288 KB] Covered abstract states: 105/551 = 0.190563 [t=0.0385903s, 6288 KB] Start computing cost partitionings [t=0.0386175s, 6288 KB] Time for computing greedy order: 2.89e-05s [t=0.0386989s, 6288 KB] Incumbent h value: 9 [t=0.0459638s, 6288 KB] Time for optimizing order: 0.00728853s [t=0.0459911s, 6288 KB] Time for optimizing order has expired: 0 [t=0.0460182s, 6288 KB] Portfolio sum h value: 8729 [t=200.043s, 6288 KB] Orders: 1 [t=200.043s, 6288 KB] Time for computing cost partitionings: 200.005s [t=200.043s, 6288 KB] Memory for cost partitionings: 0 KB [t=200.043s, 6288 KB] Stored lookup tables: 3/21 = 0.142857 [t=200.043s, 6288 KB] Stored values: 419/551 = 0.760436 [t=200.043s, 6288 KB] Stored heuristics: 3/21 = 0.142857 Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 2147483647 New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 9 [g=0, 1 evaluated, 0 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] f = 9 [1 evaluated, 0 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] Initial heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 9 pruning method: stubborn sets simple New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 8 [g=1, 15 evaluated, 14 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 7 [g=2, 29 evaluated, 28 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 6 [g=3, 31 evaluated, 29 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 5 [g=4, 33 evaluated, 30 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 4 [g=5, 47 evaluated, 41 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 3 [g=6, 57 evaluated, 51 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] f = 10 [97 evaluated, 94 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 2 [g=8, 99 evaluated, 95 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 1 [g=9, 101 evaluated, 96 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] New best heuristic value for saturated_cost_partitioning(list(projections(systematic(2), max_time = 100, max_peak_memory = 2048), projections(hillclimbing(max_time = 100, random_seed = 0)), cartesian), max_time = 200, max_optimization_time = 2, diversify = true, random_seed = 0, orders = greedy(random_seed = 0)): 0 [g=10, 115 evaluated, 108 expanded, t=200.044s, 6288 KB] Solution found! Actual search time: 0.000804316s [t=200.044s] move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-5 pos-3-5 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-4-5 dir-right (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-5 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-3-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-4-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 dir-left (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-4 pos-6-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-2 pos-4-3 pos-4-4 dir-down (1) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-4-5 pos-3-5 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-2-5 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-5 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (1) Plan length: 51 step(s). Plan cost: 10 Expanded 109 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 115 state(s). Evaluations: 115 Generated 233 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Expanded until last jump: 94 state(s). Reopened until last jump: 0 state(s). Evaluated until last jump: 97 state(s). Generated until last jump: 200 state(s). Number of registered states: 115 Int hash set load factor: 115/128 = 0.898438 Int hash set resizes: 7 total successors before partial-order reduction: 233 total successors after partial-order reduction: 233 Number of times each order was the best order: [114] Probably useful orders: 1/1 = 100% Search time: 0.000902303s Total time: 200.044s Solution found. Peak memory: 6288 KB exitcode: 0 Checking plan: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpvdPzqD/sas_plan Plan executed successfully - checking goal Plan valid Final value: 10 Successful plans: Value: 10 /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpvdPzqD/sas_plan 10