******************************************************************************** WARNING! Fixing PYTHONHASHSEED to 1 to obtain more reliable results ******************************************************************************** Problem domain: Problem instance: problem Working directory: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpdzoUoe/workspace/180430/problem Parsing the PDDL domain... Parsing the PDDL problem... Simplifying the problem representation... Parsing time: 0.21068716049194336 Grounding the problem... Using ASP grounder found at '/planning/clingo/gringo' Writing LP into file "/home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpdzoUoe/workspace/180430/problem/preprocessing/asp_model.lp" Processing result of grounding: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpdzoUoe/workspace/180430/problem/preprocessing/asp_model.sol Grounding time: 0.04852104187011719 Simplifying the ground encoding... Simplify time: 0.007376432418823242 Using pre-compiled vanilla solver from '/planning/fs-planner/planners/generic/solver.bin' Running solver: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpdzoUoe/workspace/180430/problem/solver.bin Command line arguments: --driver sbfws --options successor_generation=adaptive,evaluator_t=adaptive,bfws.rs=none --planfile /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpdzoUoe/sas_plan Loading problem data [INFO][ 0.00467] Number of objects: 51 [INFO][ 0.00468] Number of state variables: 170 [INFO][ 0.00468] Number of problem atoms: 170 [INFO][ 0.00469] Number of action schemata: 3 [INFO][ 0.00469] Number of (perhaps partially) ground actions: 0 [INFO][ 0.00470] Number of goal atoms: 2 [INFO][ 0.00470] Number of state constraint atoms: 0 [INFO][ 0.00473] Deriving control to search engine... [INFO][ 0.00901] Starting search. Results written to . [INFO][ 0.00902] Plan will be output to /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpdzoUoe/sas_plan [INFO][ 0.01553] Expansions: 385 [INFO][ 0.01553] Generations: 415 [INFO][ 0.01554] Evaluations: 0 [INFO][ 0.01554] w_{#g}(n)=1: 0 [INFO][ 0.01555] w_{#g,#r}(n)=1: 57 [INFO][ 0.01555] w_{#g,#r}(n)=2: 323 [INFO][ 0.01556] w_{#g,#r}(n)>2: 35 [INFO][ 0.01556] Expansions with #g decrease: 7 [INFO][ 0.01556] Generations with #g decrease: 7 [INFO][ 0.01557] Total number of simulations: 0 [INFO][ 0.01557] Total simulation time: 0.000000 [INFO][ 0.01558] Total nodes expanded during simulations: 0 [INFO][ 0.01558] Total nodes generated during simulation: 0 [INFO][ 0.01558] Avg. simulation time: N/A [INFO][ 0.01559] Avg. nodes expanded during simulations: N/A [INFO][ 0.01559] Avg. nodes generated during simulation: N/A [INFO][ 0.01560] Avg. number of subgoals reached during simulations: N/A [INFO][ 0.01560] Simulation nodes reused in the search: 0 [INFO][ 0.01561] Type of R set: 0 [INFO][ 0.01561] Reachable subgoals in initial state: N/A [INFO][ 0.01561] Max. # reachable subgoals in any simulation: 0 [INFO][ 0.01562] Avg. # reachable subgoals in any simulation: N/A [INFO][ 0.01562] |R|_0: N/A [INFO][ 0.01563] |R|_max: 0 [INFO][ 0.01563] |R|_avg: N/A [INFO][ 0.01563] Nodes pruned by monotonicity constraints: 0 [INFO][ 0.01564] Number of width-1 tables created during search: 2 [INFO][ 0.01564] Number of width-2 tables created during search: 2 [INFO][ 0.01565] Total Planning Time: 0.012 s. [INFO][ 0.01565] Actual Search Time: 0.004 s. [INFO][ 0.01566] Peak mem. usage: 60816 kB. [INFO][ 0.01569] Search Result: Found plan of length 51 [INFO][ 0.01570] Plan was saved in file "/home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpdzoUoe/sas_plan" [INFO][ 0.01577] Number of objects: 51 [INFO][ 0.01578] Number of state variables: 170 [INFO][ 0.01579] Number of problem atoms: 170 [INFO][ 0.01579] Number of action schemata: 3 [INFO][ 0.01580] Number of (perhaps partially) ground actions: 78 [INFO][ 0.01580] Number of goal atoms: 2 [INFO][ 0.01581] Number of state constraint atoms: 0 Peak memory: 60816 KB Checking plan: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpdzoUoe/sas_plan Plan executed successfully - checking goal Plan valid Final value: 10 Successful plans: Value: 10 /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpdzoUoe/sas_plan 10