domain.pddl problem.pddl sas_plan 4 /planner/src 1. Running translator Second argument is a file name: use two translator arguments. Parsing... Parsing: [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Normalizing task... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Prunable PDDL-operators: 0 Instantiating... Generating Datalog program... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Normalizing Datalog program... Normalizing Datalog program: [0.000s CPU, 0.004s wall-clock] Preparing model... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Generated 38 rules. Computing model... [0.020s CPU, 0.009s wall-clock] 375 relevant atoms 528 auxiliary atoms 903 final queue length 1060 total queue pushes Completing instantiation... [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Instantiating: [0.020s CPU, 0.021s wall-clock] Computing fact groups... Finding invariants... 7 initial candidates Finding invariants: [0.000s CPU, 0.006s wall-clock] Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Collecting mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Choosing groups... 4 uncovered facts Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Computing fact groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.009s wall-clock] Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building mutex information... Building mutex information: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task... Processing axioms... Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Processing axioms: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task: [0.010s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] 0 implied effects removed 34 effect conditions simplified 0 implied preconditions added Detecting unreachable propositions... 0 operators removed 20 propositions removed Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Translator variables: 18 Translator derived variables: 0 Translator facts: 64 Translator mutex groups: 19 Translator total mutex groups size: 104 Translator operators: 78 Translator task size: 698 Translator peak memory: 77564 KB Writing output... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Done! [0.030s CPU, 0.039s wall-clock] 2. Running preprocessor Building causal graph... The causal graph is not acyclic. 18 variables of 18 necessary 3 of 19 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Initializing mutex computation... Mutex computation initialized with 64 fluents. iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index fw Initialized mvalues forward: reached=324, notReached=2992, spurious=780 Initialize m_ops fw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=3084, notReached=232, spurious=780 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added fw: 232, unreachable: 0 0 of 78 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index bw Init values regression Initialized mvalues backward: reached=1081, notReached=2003, spurious=1012 Initialize m_ops bw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=1838, notReached=1246, spurious=1012 22 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added bw: 6, unreachable: 16 0 of 56 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index fw Initialized mvalues forward: reached=324, notReached=1514, spurious=2258 Initialize m_ops fw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=1838, notReached=0, spurious=2258 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added fw: 0, unreachable: 0 0 of 56 operators detected as spurious Total mutex and disambiguation time: 0.002684 122 of 122 mutex groups necessary. 56 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Change id of operators: 56 Change id of axioms: 0 Change id of mutexes Change id of goals Change id of initial state Remove unreachable facts from variables: 18 38 of 122 mutex groups necessary. 56 of 56 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Updating causal graph and pruning unnecessary facts 18 variables of 18 of 18 necessary The causal graph is not acyclic. 38 of 38 mutex groups necessary. 56 of 56 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Ordering: 18 previous variable order: var14 - var6 - var13 - var15 - var3 - var10 - var11 - var12 - var1 - var0 - var2 - var4 - var5 - var7 - var8 - var9 - var17 - var16 - : 2315 New value: 954 New value: 722 new variable order: var6 - var3 - var1 - var2 - var5 - var0 - var10 - var16 - var17 - var9 - var12 - var8 - var15 - var7 - var4 - var14 - var11 - var13 - : 722 Building domain transition graphs... solveable in poly time 0 Building successor generator... Preprocessor facts: 48 Preprocessor derived variables: 0 Preprocessor task size: 500 Writing output... Number of vars: 18 weighted 18 done 3. Running search /planner/src/search/downward ipc-18 symple100000SAT --plan-file sas_plan Dispatcher selected state size 1. This is a nonunit task. Simplifying transitions... done! ******************* Symple ******************* => Search Direction: Bidirectional => ~100000 Nodes per Transtion Relation (TR) => ~100000 Nodes per Mutex Relation (MR) => SAT-Planning ********************************************** Creating mutexes...Done. => #MR's: 1 Creating mutexes...Done. => #MR's: 1 Creating cost functions...Done. Creating transition relations...Done. => #TR's: 1 Min action cost: 0 --- After Creating Symbolic Data Structures --- - #Nodes: 2300 - Mem: 0.22804MB ----------------------------------------------- g: 0 [0+0] => Goal: -1 / Step: 1 [0+0] / Time: 0.04s / Used memory: 6.77344 MB g: 0 [0+0] => Goal: -1 / Step: 2 [1+0] / Time: 0.05s / Used memory: 6.79297 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 3 [1+1] / Time: 0.05s / Used memory: 7.3125 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 4 [1+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 7.59766 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 5 [2+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 7.62891 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 6 [3+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 7.65234 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 7 [4+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 7.67969 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 8 [5+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 7.71094 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 9 [6+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 7.94531 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 10 [7+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 7.98047 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 11 [8+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 8.00391 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 12 [9+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 8.01953 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 13 [10+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 8.01953 MB g: 1 [0+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 14 [11+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 8.01953 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 15 [12+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 8.01953 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 16 [13+2] / Time: 0.06s / Used memory: 8.01953 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 17 [14+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.01953 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 18 [15+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.01953 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 19 [16+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.01953 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 20 [17+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.01953 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 21 [18+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.02734 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 22 [19+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.03125 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 23 [20+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.03516 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 24 [21+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.03516 MB g: 2 [1+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 25 [22+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.03906 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 26 [23+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.04297 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 27 [24+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.05078 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 28 [25+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.05469 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 29 [26+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.05859 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 30 [27+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.0625 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 31 [28+2] / Time: 0.07s / Used memory: 8.0625 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 32 [29+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 33 [30+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 34 [31+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 35 [32+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 36 [33+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 37 [34+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 3 [2+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 38 [35+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 4 [3+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 39 [36+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 4 [3+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 40 [37+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 4 [3+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 41 [38+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 4 [3+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 42 [39+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 4 [3+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 43 [40+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 4 [3+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 44 [41+2] / Time: 0.08s / Used memory: 8.06641 MB g: 4 [3+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 45 [42+2] / Time: 0.09s / Used memory: 8.07031 MB g: 4 [3+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 46 [43+2] / Time: 0.09s / Used memory: 8.07812 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 47 [44+2] / Time: 0.09s / Used memory: 8.07812 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 48 [45+2] / Time: 0.09s / Used memory: 8.08594 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 49 [46+2] / Time: 0.09s / Used memory: 8.08594 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 50 [47+2] / Time: 0.09s / Used memory: 8.08594 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 51 [48+2] / Time: 0.09s / Used memory: 8.08594 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 52 [49+2] / Time: 0.09s / Used memory: 8.08594 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 53 [50+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.08594 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 54 [51+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.08594 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 55 [52+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.08594 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 56 [53+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.08594 MB g: 5 [4+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 57 [54+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.08984 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 58 [55+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.34375 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 59 [56+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.34375 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 60 [57+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.34375 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 61 [58+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.34375 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 62 [59+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.34375 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 63 [60+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.34375 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 64 [61+2] / Time: 0.1s / Used memory: 8.35156 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 65 [62+2] / Time: 0.11s / Used memory: 8.35547 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 66 [63+2] / Time: 0.11s / Used memory: 8.35938 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 67 [64+2] / Time: 0.11s / Used memory: 8.36328 MB g: 6 [5+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 68 [65+2] / Time: 0.11s / Used memory: 8.37109 MB g: 7 [6+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 69 [66+2] / Time: 0.11s / Used memory: 8.375 MB g: 7 [6+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 70 [67+2] / Time: 0.11s / Used memory: 8.38672 MB g: 7 [6+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 71 [68+2] / Time: 0.11s / Used memory: 8.45703 MB g: 7 [6+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 72 [69+2] / Time: 0.11s / Used memory: 8.55469 MB g: 7 [6+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 73 [70+2] / Time: 0.11s / Used memory: 8.66406 MB g: 7 [6+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 74 [71+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 8.74219 MB g: 7 [6+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 75 [72+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 8.78516 MB g: 8 [7+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 76 [73+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 8.82031 MB g: 8 [7+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 77 [74+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 8.86328 MB g: 8 [7+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 78 [75+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 8.91406 MB g: 8 [7+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 79 [76+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 9.26562 MB g: 8 [7+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 80 [77+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 9.31641 MB g: 9 [8+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 81 [78+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 9.33594 MB g: 9 [8+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 82 [79+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 9.33594 MB g: 9 [8+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 83 [80+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 9.33594 MB g: 10 [9+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 84 [81+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 9.33594 MB g: 10 [9+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 85 [82+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 9.33594 MB g: 10 [9+1] => Goal: -1 / Step: 86 [83+2] / Time: 0.12s / Used memory: 9.33594 MB *** sas_plan.1 *** Beginning plan reconstruction: Cur cost left: 9 => 9 => 9 => 9 => 8 => 7 => 6 => 6 => 6 => 6 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 3 => 2 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => DONE! Beginning plan reconstruction: Cur cost left: 1 => 1 => 0 => DONE! move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-5 pos-3-5 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-4-5 dir-right (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-5 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-3-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-4-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 dir-left (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-4 pos-6-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-2 pos-4-3 pos-4-4 dir-down (1) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-4-5 pos-3-5 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-2-5 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-5 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (1) Plan length: 51 step(s). Plan cost: 10 Plan reconstruction took: 0.05sec Found solution! Solution cost: 10 Solution found in step: 86 Beginning plan reconstruction: Cur cost left: 9 => 9 => 9 => 9 => 8 => 7 => 6 => 6 => 6 => 6 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 5 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 4 => 3 => 2 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 1 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => 0 => DONE! Beginning plan reconstruction: Cur cost left: 1 => 1 => 0 => DONE! Plan reconstruction took: 0.06sec --------- Memory state ------- - Nodes of forest: 3607 - MemUsed: 0.639792MB - MemAllocated: 1.1053MB - Used memory: 9.48828 MB - #CT entries: 59863 ~ 1.37016MB - #CT Max entries: 16777216 ~ 384MB - Used memory: 9.48828 MB ----------------------------- 3607 current nodes 4523 peak nodes 624.80 Kbytes current memory used 802.06 Kbytes peak memory used 1.11 Mbytes current memory allocated 1.11 Mbytes peak memory allocated 0 reclaimed nodes 0 compactions 0 garbage collections Stats for simple node storage with grid for holes Stats for grid hole management 95 holes currently (38 untracked, 57 tracked) 158 max holes seen 27.37 Kbytes wasted in holes (total) (540 bytes untracked, 26.84 Kbytes tracked) 68.71 Kbytes max in holes Monolithic compute table Current CT memory : 2291912 bytes Peak CT memory : 2291912 bytes Collisions : 30087 Hash table size : 131072 Number of entries : 59863 Entry array size : 441890 Entry array alloc : 441890 Pings : 636077 Hits : 73148 Search length histogram: 0: 115031 1: 16739 2: 4875 3: 499432 Max search length: 3 NOT RELEASED MEMORY: Used memory: 6.39453 MB Actual search time: 0.2s [t=0.24s] move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-5 pos-3-5 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-4-5 dir-right (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-5 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-3-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-4-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 dir-left (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-4 pos-6-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-2 pos-4-3 pos-4-4 dir-down (1) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-4-5 pos-3-5 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-2-5 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-5 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (1) Plan length: 51 step(s). Plan cost: 10 Search time: 0.23s Total time: 0.24s Solution found. Peak memory: 9716 KB Checking plan: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpvo6OSo/sas_plan Plan executed successfully - checking goal Plan valid Final value: 10 Successful plans: Value: 10 /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpvo6OSo/sas_plan 10 Checking plan: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpvo6OSo/sas_plan.1 Plan executed successfully - checking goal Plan valid Final value: 10 Successful plans: Value: 10 /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpvo6OSo/sas_plan.1 10