INFO Running translator. INFO translator input: ['domain.pddl', 'problem.pddl'] INFO translator arguments: [] INFO translator time limit: 1799.9s INFO translator memory limit: 8192 MB INFO callstring: /usr/bin/python /planner/builds/release32/bin/translate/ domain.pddl problem.pddl time limit 1799.90 -> (1800, 1801) Parsing... Parsing: [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Normalizing task... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating... Generating Datalog program... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Normalizing Datalog program... Normalizing Datalog program: [0.010s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Preparing model... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Generated 59 rules. Computing model... [0.010s CPU, 0.016s wall-clock] 644 relevant atoms 587 auxiliary atoms 1231 final queue length 2162 total queue pushes Completing instantiation... [0.040s CPU, 0.032s wall-clock] Instantiating: [0.060s CPU, 0.055s wall-clock] Computing fact groups... Finding invariants... 25 initial candidates Finding invariants: [0.000s CPU, 0.007s wall-clock] Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Collecting mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Choosing groups... 46 uncovered facts Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Computing fact groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.008s wall-clock] Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building mutex information... Building mutex information: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task... Processing axioms... Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Processing axioms: [0.010s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Translating task: [0.030s CPU, 0.028s wall-clock] 436 effect conditions simplified 0 implied preconditions added Detecting unreachable propositions... 0 operators removed 0 axioms removed 4 propositions removed Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.020s CPU, 0.013s wall-clock] Translator variables: 51 Translator derived variables: 0 Translator facts: 123 Translator goal facts: 3 Translator mutex groups: 9 Translator total mutex groups size: 44 Translator operators: 496 Translator axioms: 0 Translator task size: 3635 Translator peak memory: 28252 KB Writing output... [0.000s CPU, 0.004s wall-clock] Done! [0.110s CPU, 0.115s wall-clock] INFO Running preprocessor (release32). INFO preprocessor input: INFO preprocessor arguments: [] INFO preprocessor time limit: 1799.73s INFO preprocessor memory limit: 8192 MB INFO callstring: /planner/builds/release32/bin/preprocess < time limit 1799.73 -> (1800, 1801) Building causal graph... The causal graph is not acyclic. 49 variables of 51 necessary 0 of 9 mutex groups necessary. 496 of 496 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Initializing mutex computation... Mutex computation initialized with 119 fluents. iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index fw Initialized mvalues forward: reached=2401, notReached=11504, spurious=256 Initialize m_ops fw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=13309, notReached=596, spurious=256 6 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added fw: 596, unreachable: 0 0 of 490 operators detected as spurious Total mutex and disambiguation time: 0.011189 iterations: 2 298 of 298 mutex groups necessary. 490 of 496 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Change id of operators: 490 Change id of mutexes Change id of goals Change id of initial state Remove unreachable facts from variables: 49 298 of 298 mutex groups necessary. 490 of 490 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Updating causal graph and pruning unnecessary facts 49 variables of 49 of 51 necessary The causal graph is not acyclic. 49 variables of 49 necessary 298 of 298 mutex groups necessary. 490 of 490 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Building domain transition graphs... solveable in poly time 0 Building successor generator... Preprocessor variables: 49 Preprocessor facts: 119 Preprocessor derived variables: 0 Preprocessor operators: 490 Preprocessor mutex groups: 298 Preprocessor task size: 4105 Writing output... Preprocessor peak memory: 2500 KB done INFO Running search (release32). INFO search input: output INFO search arguments: ['--search', 'astar(cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb=true,num_episodes=10000000,num_collections=1,pdb_factory=symbolic,genetic_time_limit=900,time_limit=1.0,create_perimeter=true,use_first_goal_vars=false,use_norm_dist=true)))'] INFO search time limit: 1799.68s INFO search memory limit: 8192 MB INFO search executable: /planner/builds/release32/bin/downward INFO callstring: /planner/builds/release32/bin/downward --search 'astar(cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb=true,num_episodes=10000000,num_collections=1,pdb_factory=symbolic,genetic_time_limit=900,time_limit=1.0,create_perimeter=true,use_first_goal_vars=false,use_norm_dist=true)))' --internal-plan-file sas_plan < output time limit 1799.68 -> (1800, 1801) reading input... [t=0.00228481s] done reading input! [t=0.00708711s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00709803s] Variables: 49 Facts: 119 Bytes per state: 8 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00820645s] done initalizing global data [t=0.00821113s] parsing options parsing options Mutex type changed to mutex_and because the domain has conditional effects building causal graph...done! [t=0.000432995s] Sym variable order: 0 2 3 4 24 23 6 7 5 32 31 13 11 12 36 35 1 25 27 21 22 42 47 46 45 44 43 48 30 41 20 28 26 16 15 38 37 29 14 10 34 33 8 9 19 40 39 17 18 Initializing Symbolic Variables Num variables: 49 => 59 Initialize Symbolic Manager(118, 135593, 16000000, 0) Generating binary variables Symbolic Variables... Done. hybrid_pdb_size:1 create_perimeter:1 initial pdb type:symbolic initial time_limit per pdb:1 reg_bin_pack_only:0 rel_analysis_only:0 single_pattern_only:0 use_ucb:1 size_selection:0 sampling_method:use_ss using normal distribution to choose size logs sampling method,SS:1,ipdb_walk:0,avg_h:0 recompute_max_additive_subsets is off after get_variables variables.size:49 i:0 i:1 i:2 i:3 i:4 i:5 i:6 i:7 i:8 i:9 i:10 i:11 i:12 i:13 i:14 i:15 i:16 i:17 i:18 i:19 i:20 i:21 i:22 i:23 i:24 i:25 i:26 i:27 i:28 i:29 i:30 i:31 i:32 i:33 i:34 i:35 i:36 i:37 i:38 i:39 i:40 i:41 i:42 i:43 i:44 i:45 i:46 i:47 i:48 Whole pattern:[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ] overall_problem_size:1.47774e+17 initial_max_target_size:8,initial_min_target_size:4,time_limit(per pattern):1 starting timings node gen_and_exp_cost:3.11714e-06,node_counter:320809 Setting num_collections to 1 no matter the input,peak memory:499060 seeding with creating_perimeter g_timer before calling ZeroOnePDB to generate initial perimeter:1.32146 g_timer after calling ZeroOnePDB to generate initial perimeter:2.61548 Solution found with cost 94 total time: 2.65204s g_timer after calling terminate_creation to push perimeter into best_pdb_collections3.03796 Solution found while generating Perimeter PDB candidate of type:symbolic, adding PDB and exiting generation at time3.03799 final episode:,0,time:,3.03799,overall_pdb_gen_time:,0,online_samples:,0,overall_sampling_time:,0,avg samp time:,0,avg_sampled_states:,0,overall_probe_time:,0,candidate_count:,0,unique_samples.size:,0,best_heuristics count:,1,overall_dominance_prunning_time:,0,bin_pack_reg_count:,0,bin_packing_rel_count:0 final best_pdb_collections:1 collection[0][ 0x9983af4 ] First call, pdbs empty First call, max_additive_subsets empty adding :[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48] non_dead_ends:0 mergeBucketDeadEnds time:1.7824e-06 Finished,episodes:0,Pattern generation (Edelkamp ONLINE) time: 2.71803s,Peak Memory:499060,current_memory:490864 PDB collection construction time: 2.7426s pdb1:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,pdb2:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48, Pruned 0 of 1 maximal additive subsets Pruned 0 of 1 PDBs Dominance pruning took 1.997e-05s Max additive subsets before ADD indexes: 0 Single PDBs: 995 Shared PDBs: Dead-end PDBs before resize: Dead-end PDBs after resize: Max additive subsets after ADD indexes: 0 pruning method: none Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 2147483647 initial state children:2 New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 94 [g=0, 1 evaluated, 0 expanded, t=3.06593s, 356072 KB] f = 94 [1 evaluated, 0 expanded, t=3.06598s, 356072 KB] Initial heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 94 New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 31 [g=63, 3 evaluated, 1 expanded, t=3.06603s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 30 [g=64, 4 evaluated, 2 expanded, t=3.06606s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 29 [g=65, 6 evaluated, 3 expanded, t=3.06609s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 28 [g=66, 8 evaluated, 4 expanded, t=3.06612s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 27 [g=67, 11 evaluated, 5 expanded, t=3.06616s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 26 [g=68, 13 evaluated, 6 expanded, t=3.06619s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 25 [g=69, 29 evaluated, 7 expanded, t=3.06624s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 24 [g=70, 33 evaluated, 8 expanded, t=3.06628s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 23 [g=71, 38 evaluated, 9 expanded, t=3.06632s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 13 [g=81, 39 evaluated, 10 expanded, t=3.06635s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 12 [g=82, 40 evaluated, 11 expanded, t=3.06638s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 11 [g=83, 42 evaluated, 12 expanded, t=3.06642s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 10 [g=84, 44 evaluated, 13 expanded, t=3.06645s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 9 [g=85, 46 evaluated, 14 expanded, t=3.06648s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 8 [g=86, 48 evaluated, 15 expanded, t=3.06652s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 7 [g=87, 50 evaluated, 16 expanded, t=3.06655s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 6 [g=88, 71 evaluated, 17 expanded, t=3.06661s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 5 [g=89, 75 evaluated, 18 expanded, t=3.06664s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 4 [g=90, 90 evaluated, 19 expanded, t=3.0667s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 3 [g=91, 103 evaluated, 20 expanded, t=3.06674s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 2 [g=92, 114 evaluated, 21 expanded, t=3.06679s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 1 [g=93, 122 evaluated, 22 expanded, t=3.06683s, 356072 KB] New best heuristic value for cpdbs_symbolic(genetic_ss(use_ucb = true, num_episodes = 10000000, num_collections = 1, pdb_factory = symbolic, genetic_time_limit = 900, time_limit = 1.0, create_perimeter = true, use_first_goal_vars = false, use_norm_dist = true)): 0 [g=94, 132 evaluated, 23 expanded, t=3.06688s, 356072 KB] Solution found! Actual search time: 0.000892292s [t=3.06691s] hire-diver d1 (63) prepare-tank d1 t0 t1 three four (1) prepare-tank d1 t1 t2 two three (1) prepare-tank d1 t2 t3 one two (1) enter-water d1 l0 (1) swim d1 t0 l0 l1 (1) drop-tank d1 t1 l1 one two (1) swim d1 t2 l1 l0 (1) decompress d1 l0 (1) hire-diver d0 (10) prepare-tank d0 t3 t4 three four (1) prepare-tank d0 t4 t5 two three (1) prepare-tank d0 t5 t6 one two (1) prepare-tank d0 t6 dummy zero one (1) enter-water d0 l0 (1) swim d0 t3 l0 l1 (1) drop-tank d0 t3 l1 zero one (1) pickup-tank d0 t1 l1 zero one (1) swim d0 t1 l1 l2 (1) photograph d0 l2 t4 (1) swim d0 t5 l2 l1 (1) swim d0 t6 l1 l0 (1) decompress d0 l0 (1) Plan length: 23 step(s). Plan cost: 94 Expanded 24 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 132 state(s). Evaluations: 132 Generated 134 state(s). Dead ends: 108 state(s). Expanded until last jump: 0 state(s). Reopened until last jump: 0 state(s). Evaluated until last jump: 1 state(s). Generated until last jump: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 132 Search time: 0.00100805s Total time: 3.06691s Solution found. Peak memory: 499060 KB Checking plan: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpFuDLzp/sas_plan Plan executed successfully - checking goal Plan valid Final value: 94 Successful plans: Value: 94 /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpFuDLzp/sas_plan 94