INFO Running translator. INFO translator input: ['domain.pddl', 'problem.pddl'] INFO translator arguments: [] INFO translator time limit: 1799.92s INFO translator memory limit: 8192 MB INFO callstring: /usr/bin/python /planner/builds/release64/bin/translate/ domain.pddl problem.pddl time limit 1799.92 -> (1800, 1801) Parsing... Parsing: [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Normalizing task... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating... Generating Datalog program... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Normalizing Datalog program... Normalizing Datalog program: [0.010s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] Preparing model... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock] Generated 38 rules. Computing model... [0.000s CPU, 0.009s wall-clock] 375 relevant atoms 528 auxiliary atoms 903 final queue length 1060 total queue pushes Completing instantiation... [0.010s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] Instantiating: [0.020s CPU, 0.019s wall-clock] Computing fact groups... Finding invariants... 7 initial candidates Finding invariants: [0.010s CPU, 0.006s wall-clock] Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Collecting mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Choosing groups... 20 uncovered facts Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Computing fact groups: [0.010s CPU, 0.009s wall-clock] Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Building mutex information... Building mutex information: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task... Processing axioms... Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Processing axioms: [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock] Translating task: [0.000s CPU, 0.005s wall-clock] 112 effect conditions simplified 0 implied preconditions added Detecting unreachable propositions... 0 operators removed 0 axioms removed 7 propositions removed Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.010s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock] Reordering and filtering variables... 21 of 21 variables necessary. 16 of 19 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Reordering and filtering variables: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Translator variables: 21 Translator derived variables: 0 Translator facts: 80 Translator goal facts: 2 Translator mutex groups: 16 Translator total mutex groups size: 60 Translator operators: 78 Translator axioms: 0 Translator task size: 751 Translator peak memory: 26336 KB Writing output... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock] Done! [0.040s CPU, 0.043s wall-clock] INFO Run task transformation (/planner/builds/h2-mutexes/bin/preprocess). INFO callstring: /planner/builds/h2-mutexes/bin/preprocess < Building causal graph... The causal graph is not acyclic. 21 variables of 21 necessary 16 of 16 mutex groups necessary. 78 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Initializing mutex computation... Mutex computation initialized with 80 fluents. iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index fw Initialized mvalues forward: reached=441, notReached=5147, spurious=812 Initialize m_ops fw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=5294, notReached=294, spurious=812 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added fw: 294, unreachable: 0 0 of 78 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index bw Init values regression Initialized mvalues backward: reached=2427, notReached=2867, spurious=1106 Initialize m_ops bw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=3439, notReached=1855, spurious=1106 24 operators are spurious because were not triggered Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-3) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-3-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-4-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-4-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-5-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-6-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-6-4) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-2-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-2-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-3-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-4-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-4-5) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-5-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-6-2) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-6-4) H^2 mutexes added bw: 4, unreachable: 17 3 of 54 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index fw Initialized mvalues forward: reached=441, notReached=2998, spurious=2961 Initialize m_ops fw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=2909, notReached=530, spurious=2961 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-01, pos-2-4) Unreachable proposition: Atom at(stone-02, pos-4-3) H^2 mutexes added fw: 336, unreachable: 2 0 of 51 operators detected as spurious iteration for mutex detection and operator pruning Initialize m_index bw Init values regression Initialized mvalues backward: reached=1856, notReached=1053, spurious=3491 Initialize m_ops bw Computing mutexes... Mutex computation finished with reached=2909, notReached=0, spurious=3491 0 operators are spurious because were not triggered H^2 mutexes added bw: 0, unreachable: 0 0 of 51 operators detected as spurious Total mutex and disambiguation time: 0.004949 iterations: 4 333 of 333 mutex groups necessary. 51 of 78 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Change id of operators: 51 Change id of mutexes Change id of goals Change id of initial state Remove unreachable facts from variables: 21 231 of 333 mutex groups necessary. 51 of 51 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Updating causal graph and pruning unnecessary facts 21 variables of 21 of 21 necessary The causal graph is not acyclic. 21 variables of 21 necessary 231 of 231 mutex groups necessary. 51 of 51 operators necessary. 0 of 0 axiom rules necessary. Building domain transition graphs... solveable in poly time 0 Building successor generator... Preprocessor variables: 21 Preprocessor facts: 61 Preprocessor derived variables: 0 Preprocessor operators: 51 Preprocessor mutex groups: 231 Preprocessor task size: 900 Writing output... done INFO Running search (release64). INFO search input: INFO search arguments: [] INFO search time limit: 1799.82s INFO search memory limit: 8192 MB INFO search executable: /planner/builds/release64/bin/downward INFO search portfolio: /planner/driver/portfolios/ Exit codes: remaining time: 1799.82 config 0: relative time 1, remaining 1800 g bound: infinity next plan number: 1 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_greedy([hff, hlm], preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=infinity)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '0', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.00 -> (1, 2) reading input... [t=0.000669045s] done reading input! [t=0.00133943s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00134784s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00143085s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.4683e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.0014626s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000703766s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 2147483647 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Solution found! Actual search time: 0.000557031s [t=0.00314499s] move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-3-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-4-5 dir-right (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-5 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-3 pos-2-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-2-2 pos-3-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-4-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 dir-left (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 pos-2-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-4 pos-6-4 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-6-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-5-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-4-2 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-4-2 pos-4-3 pos-4-4 dir-down (1) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-5-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-5-2 pos-6-2 dir-right (0) move player-01 pos-6-2 pos-6-3 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-3 pos-6-4 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-6-4 pos-5-4 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-5-4 pos-4-4 pos-3-4 dir-left (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-5 dir-down (0) move player-01 pos-4-5 pos-3-5 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-5 pos-2-5 dir-left (0) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-5 pos-2-4 pos-2-3 dir-up (1) push-to-nongoal player-01 stone-01 pos-2-4 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 dir-right (1) push-to-goal player-01 stone-01 pos-3-4 pos-4-4 pos-5-4 dir-right (1) move player-01 pos-4-4 pos-4-3 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-3 pos-4-2 dir-up (0) move player-01 pos-4-2 pos-3-2 dir-left (0) move player-01 pos-3-2 pos-2-2 dir-left (0) push-to-goal player-01 stone-02 pos-2-2 pos-2-3 pos-2-4 dir-down (1) Plan length: 51 step(s). Plan cost: 10 Expanded 60 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 61 state(s). Evaluations: 122 Generated 131 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 61 Int hash set load factor: 61/64 = 0.953125 Int hash set resizes: 6 Search time: 0.000574373s Total time: 0.00314808s Solution found. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 0 plan manager: found new plan with cost 10 remaining time: 1799.8 config 1: relative time 1, remaining 1799 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.00 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.0364e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00057003s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000578185s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000641702s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.1913e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000672078s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00148654s [t=0.00248834s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0015229s Total time: 0.00249133s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.8 config 2: relative time 1, remaining 1798 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=false,no_orders=true,m=1,lm_cost_type=0)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.00 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=3.15e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00090519s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000918482s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00101656s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.5808e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00106697s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.00041741s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 19 Initial heuristic value for : 18 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00448196s [t=0.00643073s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00450994s Total time: 0.00643567s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.79 config 3: relative time 1, remaining 1797 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hAdd),single(hAdd,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hAdd],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.00 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.0152e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000606816s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000615274s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000686325s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1414e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000730926s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for add(adapt_costs(0)): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00103949s [t=0.00204169s] Expanded 175 state(s). Reopened 11 state(s). Evaluated 175 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 375 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00104966s Total time: 0.00204462s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4928 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.79 config 4: relative time 1, remaining 1796 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,m=1)', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'eager(single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 5)])),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.00 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.0291e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000563542s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000571769s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000632623s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.1948e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000663426s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000256156s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.000564869s [t=0.00174033s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.000604488s Total time: 0.00174326s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.79 config 5: relative time 1, remaining 1795 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=false,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'eager(alt([tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hBlind,9)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hLM,9)]),hLM]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hFF,9)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hGoalCount,9)]),hGoalCount])],boost=2005),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.00 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.0091e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000588176s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000601576s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000665174s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2959e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000696953s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000738469s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for : 33 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for : 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00355161s [t=0.00550516s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00361471s Total time: 0.00550821s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.79 config 6: relative time 2, remaining 1794 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=false,no_orders=true,m=1,lm_cost_type=0)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.01 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=2.0005e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00057389s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000582367s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000645439s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2621e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000676857s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000255288s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 19 Initial heuristic value for : 18 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00280647s [t=0.00403346s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00282377s Total time: 0.00403651s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.77 config 7: relative time 1, remaining 1792 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)])),single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)]),pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.00 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=1.9714e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000573473s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000581814s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000643853s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2538e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000675664s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00167717s [t=0.00272853s] Expanded 198 state(s). Reopened 34 state(s). Evaluated 198 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 427 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00168822s Total time: 0.00273153s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.77 config 8: relative time 1, remaining 1791 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hcea), single(hcea, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcea, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.00 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=1.949e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000569245s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000577838s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000638945s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2307e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000669699s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00067752s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0020422s [t=0.00395638s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00205901s Total time: 0.00395942s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.77 config 9: relative time 2, remaining 1790 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.01 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=2.0001e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000560864s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000573925s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000634754s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.186e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000665658s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00120729s [t=0.00217311s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 155 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00121761s Total time: 0.00217617s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.77 config 10: relative time 3, remaining 1788 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)]),pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 3.02 -> (4, 5) reading input... [t=1.9787e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000565235s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000573453s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00063444s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2168e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000665151s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000108975s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(adapt_costs(2)): 7 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.000971742s [t=0.0021791s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.000982388s Total time: 0.00218211s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5272 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.77 config 11: relative time 1, remaining 1785 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hBlind, 2)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hFF, 2)]))], boost=4480), preferred=[], reopen_closed=true, cost_type=0, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.01 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.0035e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00057781s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000586258s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000648919s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.26e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000680709s] Initializing blind search heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00114557s [t=0.00221709s] Expanded 165 state(s). Reopened 1 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 350 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00118471s Total time: 0.00222014s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.77 config 12: relative time 1, remaining 1784 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=false,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,lm_cost_type=2)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=false,transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,2)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,2)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,2)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,2)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,2)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,2)]),pref_only=true)],boost=4419),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.01 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=1.9642e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000590448s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000600198s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000661016s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.1976e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000691998s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000677194s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for : 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00393107s [t=0.00574951s] Expanded 174 state(s). Reopened 10 state(s). Evaluated 174 state(s). Evaluations: 502 Generated 373 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00394949s Total time: 0.00575242s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.77 config 13: relative time 6, remaining 1783 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_greedy([hff, hlm], preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 6.06 -> (7, 8) reading input... [t=1.9581e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000558117s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000566351s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000627372s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2134e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000657924s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000724135s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0015633s [t=0.00333318s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0015789s Total time: 0.00333614s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.76 config 14: relative time 1, remaining 1777 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true,only_causal_landmarks=true,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false)', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=false,pref=true,transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hBlind,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hBlind,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hFF,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hFF,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hLM,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hLM,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hAdd,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hAdd,3)]),pref_only=true)],boost=2474),preferred=[hAdd],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.01 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=1.9494e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000609089s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000618695s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000679267s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2012e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000710261s] Initializing blind search heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Discarding non-causal landmark: LM -1 NegatedAtom at-goal(stone-01) (var20(20)->1) Achievers (0, 0) Discarding non-causal landmark: LM -1 NegatedAtom clear(pos-5-4) (var10(14)->1) Achievers (0, 0) Discarding non-causal landmark: LM -1 NegatedAtom clear(pos-4-4) (var18(18)->1) Achievers (0, 0) Discarded 3 non-causal landmarks approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000926923s Discovered 31 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 138 edges Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 15 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = false, pref = true, transform = adapt_costs(2)): 3 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00519674s [t=0.0077007s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0052159s Total time: 0.00770382s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.74 config 15: relative time 1, remaining 1776 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,lm_cost_type=2)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.01 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=1.9743e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000558984s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000567217s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000628641s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2194e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000659817s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000677056s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 15 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0030755s [t=0.00473083s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00309247s Total time: 0.00473402s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.74 config 16: relative time 7, remaining 1775 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,m=1)', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'eager(single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 5)])),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 7.10 -> (8, 9) reading input... [t=1.951e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000561237s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000569367s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000630195s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2061e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000661888s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.00025389s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.000578758s [t=0.00174839s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.000618179s Total time: 0.00175135s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.74 config 17: relative time 4, remaining 1768 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager_greedy([hcg, hlm], preferred=[hcg, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 4.07 -> (5, 6) reading input... [t=1.9593e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000556906s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000565264s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000626392s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2242e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000657288s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000107092s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000679621s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00147431s [t=0.00342596s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00151913s Total time: 0.00342898s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5408 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.74 config 18: relative time 1, remaining 1764 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=True, preferred_successors_first=True, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.02 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.0411e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000559174s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000567333s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000628488s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2228e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000659402s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000680984s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00298121s [t=0.00459034s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00299734s Total time: 0.00459327s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.73 config 19: relative time 16, remaining 1763 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=false,no_orders=true,m=1,lm_cost_type=0)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)]),pref_only=true)], boost=500),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 16.33 -> (17, 18) reading input... [t=1.985e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000564516s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000572583s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000633293s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.1944e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000664054s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000251694s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 19 Initial heuristic value for : 18 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.003073s [t=0.00436608s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00309115s Total time: 0.00436916s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.73 config 20: relative time 1, remaining 1747 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hff, hlm], w=3, preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.03 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=1.9225e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000557994s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000566069s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00062685s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.1998e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000657806s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000674942s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00183569s [t=0.00356095s] Expanded 185 state(s). Reopened 21 state(s). Evaluated 185 state(s). Evaluations: 349 Generated 393 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00185169s Total time: 0.00356391s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.72 config 21: relative time 1, remaining 1746 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.03 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.0757e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000577536s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000586114s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000648788s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.2743e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000680897s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00240783s [t=0.00344928s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00242278s Total time: 0.00345457s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.72 config 22: relative time 1, remaining 1745 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=false,no_orders=true,m=1,lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=1000),preferred=[hLM,hFF],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.03 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=3.4194e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000997772s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00101368s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00112072s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.9108e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00117553s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000443839s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 3 Initial heuristic value for : 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00521143s [t=0.00739122s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00524182s Total time: 0.00739626s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.71 config 23: relative time 1, remaining 1744 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)]),pref_only=true)], boost=1000),preferred=[hLM,hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.03 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.1929e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000625316s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000634527s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000702539s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.4691e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000736955s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000118887s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000747728s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for cg(adapt_costs(2)): 7 Initial heuristic value for : 18 Initial heuristic value for : 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00896329s [t=0.0113577s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 492 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00899141s Total time: 0.0113651s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5544 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.7 config 24: relative time 2, remaining 1743 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)])),single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)]),pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.07 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=3.2096e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000923852s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000937804s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00103685s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.6052e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00108698s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00217854s [t=0.00381001s] Expanded 182 state(s). Reopened 18 state(s). Evaluated 182 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 388 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00220237s Total time: 0.00382145s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.7 config 25: relative time 11, remaining 1741 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hCg),single(hCg,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 11.37 -> (12, 13) reading input... [t=1.9605e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00071307s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000731183s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00084345s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.0956e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000917281s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000198533s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(adapt_costs(2)): 7 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00160257s [t=0.00341697s] Expanded 196 state(s). Reopened 32 state(s). Evaluated 196 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 417 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00162062s Total time: 0.00342218s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5272 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.69 config 26: relative time 3, remaining 1730 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg,10)]),pref_only=true)],boost=100),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 3.12 -> (4, 5) reading input... [t=3.5943e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00103769s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00105346s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00116598s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.0794e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00122291s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000199552s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00408571s [t=0.00673917s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00410649s Total time: 0.00674483s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5408 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.69 config 27: relative time 1, remaining 1727 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.04 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=3.4978e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000988158s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00100307s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00111213s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.9066e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00116666s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00121695s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00381133s [t=0.00713947s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00390176s Total time: 0.00714581s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5056 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.68 config 28: relative time 5, remaining 1726 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hGoalCount,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hGoalCount,10)]),pref_only=true)],boost=2000),preferred=[hFF,hGoalCount],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 5.21 -> (6, 7) reading input... [t=2.3681e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000679495s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000689407s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000763521s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.6855e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000801022s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00194353s [t=0.00323204s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0019564s Total time: 0.00323555s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.68 config 29: relative time 1, remaining 1721 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true), type_based([hff, g()])], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=True, preferred_successors_first=False, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.05 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=3.1755e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00107518s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00109876s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00124668s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.3716e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.0013223s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00165685s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00744044s [t=0.0111659s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00747789s Total time: 0.0111711s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.66 config 30: relative time 1, remaining 1720 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false)', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true,pref=false,transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hHMax,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hHMax,3)]),pref_only=true)],boost=3052),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.05 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=4.187e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00110724s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.0011236s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00124888s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.4291e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00130928s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00141786s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true, pref = false, transform = adapt_costs(1)): 15 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00656337s [t=0.0108446s] Expanded 176 state(s). Reopened 12 state(s). Evaluated 176 state(s). Evaluations: 668 Generated 372 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00660312s Total time: 0.0108506s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.65 config 31: relative time 3, remaining 1719 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=false,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'eager(alt([tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hBlind,9)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hLM,9)]),hLM]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hFF,9)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hGoalCount,9)]),hGoalCount])],boost=2005),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 3.14 -> (4, 5) reading input... [t=3.258e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000947634s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000961602s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00106422s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.7305e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00111621s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.0012283s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for : 33 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for : 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00582777s [t=0.00902748s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00593271s Total time: 0.00903257s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.64 config 32: relative time 3, remaining 1716 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_greedy([hcea, hlm], preferred=[hcea, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 3.15 -> (4, 5) reading input... [t=3.1983e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000915309s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000928219s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00102725s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.5736e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.0010771s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.0011069s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00287977s [t=0.00586346s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.002906s Total time: 0.00586816s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.63 config 33: relative time 2, remaining 1713 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,m=1,lm_cost_type=2)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)]),hLM]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)]),hLM],pref_only=true),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)]),hFF],pref_only=true)], boost=200),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.10 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=3.2371e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000963994s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000978067s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00108086s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.7115e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00113332s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000482213s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 63 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 3 Initial heuristic value for : 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00615886s [t=0.00847103s] Expanded 175 state(s). Reopened 11 state(s). Evaluated 175 state(s). Evaluations: 339 Generated 374 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00618766s Total time: 0.00847589s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.63 config 34: relative time 36, remaining 1711 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=false,no_orders=true,m=1,lm_cost_type=0)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 37.86 -> (38, 39) reading input... [t=2.6647e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000749389s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000760197s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000842275s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9595e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000883724s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000343863s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 19 Initial heuristic value for : 18 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00397374s [t=0.00562692s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00399646s Total time: 0.00563077s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.62 config 35: relative time 1, remaining 1675 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hcg, hff], w=3, preferred=[hcg, hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.07 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=3.0045e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000866676s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000879158s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000973511s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.441e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00102171s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000168212s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00305456s [t=0.0050751s] Expanded 181 state(s). Reopened 17 state(s). Evaluated 181 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 386 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00307084s Total time: 0.00507966s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5408 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.62 config 36: relative time 8, remaining 1674 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)])),single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)]),pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 8.60 -> (9, 10) reading input... [t=4.7706e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00140618s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00142905s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00157845s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.4046e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00165489s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00399861s [t=0.00656591s] Expanded 198 state(s). Reopened 34 state(s). Evaluated 198 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 427 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00403802s Total time: 0.0065832s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.6 config 37: relative time 3, remaining 1666 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=False, preferred_successors_first=False, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 3.24 -> (4, 5) reading input... [t=2.9142e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000839787s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000852042s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000943239s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.3257e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000989323s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00106749s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00449117s [t=0.00695325s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00451549s Total time: 0.00695774s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.59 config 38: relative time 7, remaining 1663 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,2)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,2)]))],boost=4480),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 7.57 -> (8, 9) reading input... [t=2.7647e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000776681s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000788096s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000872245s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0612e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000914925s] Initializing blind search heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00142757s [t=0.00284242s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00148481s Total time: 0.00284655s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.59 config 39: relative time 2, remaining 1656 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--search', 'eager(alt([tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hBlind,7)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hHMax,7)]),hHMax]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hAdd,7)]),hAdd]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hCg,7)]),hCg])],boost=2142),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.17 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=2.7127e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000791591s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00080432s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00088874s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0579e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000932173s] Initializing blind search heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000148208s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00292603s [t=0.00517385s] Expanded 165 state(s). Reopened 1 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 352 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00301232s Total time: 0.00517803s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5360 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.58 config 40: relative time 4, remaining 1654 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hff], w=3, preferred=[hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 4.35 -> (5, 6) reading input... [t=3.1746e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.0009225s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000935954s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00103452s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.5545e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00108531s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00183484s [t=0.00336818s] Expanded 181 state(s). Reopened 17 state(s). Evaluated 181 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 386 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00185083s Total time: 0.00337276s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.58 config 41: relative time 14, remaining 1650 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,m=1)', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'eager(single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 5)])),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 15.27 -> (16, 17) reading input... [t=5.2898e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00101059s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00102486s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00113216s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.906e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00118652s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.00045183s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.000997881s [t=0.00308692s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0010675s Total time: 0.00309195s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.58 config 42: relative time 7, remaining 1636 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,m=1)', '--heuristic', 'hCea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hCea),single(hCea,pref_only=true)], boost=100),preferred=[hCea],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 7.70 -> (8, 9) reading input... [t=3.0708e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000888755s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000901688s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000997001s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.428e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00104543s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000440883s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 63 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 29 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00308318s [t=0.00545677s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00311201s Total time: 0.00546135s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5184 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.57 config 43: relative time 1, remaining 1629 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hBlind,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hBlind,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hFF,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hFF,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hCg,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hCg,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hGoalCount,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hGoalCount,3)]),pref_only=true)],boost=3662),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.10 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.7961e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000825228s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00083672s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000924565s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1638e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000969004s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000171077s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 1 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 1 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00430012s [t=0.00663378s] Expanded 171 state(s). Reopened 7 state(s). Evaluated 171 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 364 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00431629s Total time: 0.00663779s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5368 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.56 config 44: relative time 14, remaining 1628 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)]),pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 15.48 -> (16, 17) reading input... [t=3.2751e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000946858s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000960393s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00106884s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.7623e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00112152s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000182827s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(adapt_costs(2)): 7 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00190135s [t=0.00393391s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00192322s Total time: 0.00394099s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5272 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.56 config 45: relative time 7, remaining 1614 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=false,no_orders=true,m=1)', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hCg),single(hCg,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 7.80 -> (8, 9) reading input... [t=4.7496e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00143177s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00145546s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.0016033s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.4252e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00167894s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000264058s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000604291s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for cg(adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00290975s [t=0.00678404s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00294978s Total time: 0.00679107s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5412 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.55 config 46: relative time 2, remaining 1607 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hAdd),single(hAdd,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hAdd],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.24 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=4.4983e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00127805s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00129681s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00143577s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.069e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00151466s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0027539s [t=0.00494731s] Expanded 167 state(s). Reopened 3 state(s). Evaluated 167 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 356 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00278546s Total time: 0.00496159s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.55 config 47: relative time 3, remaining 1605 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([tiebreaking([sum([g(),hFF]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),hFF]),hFF],pref_only=true)],boost=432),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 3.36 -> (4, 5) reading input... [t=3.424e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000997173s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.0010131s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00111592s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.746e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00116795s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00241429s [t=0.00412768s] Expanded 190 state(s). Reopened 26 state(s). Evaluated 190 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 406 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00243162s Total time: 0.00413261s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.54 config 48: relative time 1, remaining 1602 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,m=1)', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 5)]))]),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.12 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=3.5926e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00104314s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00105877s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00117209s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.1074e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00122992s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000465075s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00121214s [t=0.00349915s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0012932s Total time: 0.00350436s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.54 config 49: relative time 4, remaining 1601 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 4.50 -> (5, 6) reading input... [t=3.2648e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000970554s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000985218s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00108306s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.5606e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00113348s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00163943s [t=0.0032068s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 155 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00165549s Total time: 0.00321153s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4928 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.53 config 50: relative time 1, remaining 1597 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager_greedy([hcea], preferred=[hcea], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.13 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.8717e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000835682s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000847543s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000938406s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.2858e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000984768s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00256629s [t=0.00410758s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 329 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00263745s Total time: 0.00411203s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.52 config 51: relative time 16, remaining 1596 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hcg), single(hcg, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcg, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 18.04 -> (19, 20) reading input... [t=2.9101e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000836977s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000849554s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000941026s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.2835e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000987489s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.00016247s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00101292s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00244142s [t=0.00550221s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00250639s Total time: 0.00550667s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5408 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.52 config 52: relative time 4, remaining 1580 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=false,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,lm_cost_type=2)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=false,transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,2)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,2)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,2)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,2)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,2)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,2)]),pref_only=true)],boost=4419),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 4.56 -> (5, 6) reading input... [t=2.9282e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000851018s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000863165s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000954065s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.2989e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00100004s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00102819s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for : 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00581973s [t=0.00852319s] Expanded 174 state(s). Reopened 10 state(s). Evaluated 174 state(s). Evaluations: 502 Generated 373 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00584606s Total time: 0.0085276s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.51 config 53: relative time 10, remaining 1576 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,lm_cost_type=2)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 11.42 -> (12, 13) reading input... [t=2.8119e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00080936s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000821215s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000909546s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.2032e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000954087s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000980332s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 15 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00443707s [t=0.00682921s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00446152s Total time: 0.00683367s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.5 config 54: relative time 10, remaining 1566 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--search', 'eager(alt([tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hBlind,7)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hHMax,7)]),hHMax]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hAdd,7)]),hAdd]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hCg,7)]),hCg])],boost=2142),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 11.49 -> (12, 13) reading input... [t=2.8319e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000805538s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000817283s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000905383s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1948e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000949846s] Initializing blind search heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000154263s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00307105s [t=0.00539769s] Expanded 165 state(s). Reopened 1 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 352 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00316159s Total time: 0.00540198s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5360 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.5 config 55: relative time 9, remaining 1556 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hFF,5)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hFF,5)]),hFF],pref_only=true),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hAdd,5)]),hAdd]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hAdd,5)]),hAdd],pref_only=true)],boost=2537),preferred=[hFF,hAdd],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 10.41 -> (11, 12) reading input... [t=2.8179e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000804293s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000817541s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000902339s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0884e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000945435s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 29 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00357228s [t=0.00532277s] Expanded 176 state(s). Reopened 12 state(s). Evaluated 176 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 374 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00358791s Total time: 0.00532701s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.49 config 56: relative time 5, remaining 1547 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, only_causal_landmarks=true, disjunctive_landmarks=true, conjunctive_landmarks=true, no_orders=false)', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg, admissible=false, pref=true, transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hBlind, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hBlind, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hFF, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hFF, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hLM, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hLM, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hAdd, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hAdd, 3)]), pref_only=true)], boost=2474), preferred=[hAdd], reopen_closed=false, cost_type=1, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 5.82 -> (6, 7) reading input... [t=2.6858e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000776357s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000787745s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000871902s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0434e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000914724s] Initializing blind search heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Discarding non-causal landmark: LM -1 NegatedAtom at-goal(stone-01) (var20(20)->1) Achievers (0, 0) Discarding non-causal landmark: LM -1 NegatedAtom clear(pos-5-4) (var10(14)->1) Achievers (0, 0) Discarding non-causal landmark: LM -1 NegatedAtom clear(pos-4-4) (var18(18)->1) Achievers (0, 0) Discarded 3 non-causal landmarks approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00130513s Discovered 31 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 138 edges Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 15 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = false, pref = true, transform = adapt_costs(2)): 3 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00745677s [t=0.0109608s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00748418s Total time: 0.0109649s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.49 config 57: relative time 6, remaining 1542 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=false,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'eager(alt([tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hBlind,9)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hLM,9)]),hLM]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hFF,9)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hGoalCount,9)]),hGoalCount])],boost=2005),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 7.00 -> (8, 9) reading input... [t=2.7282e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000784501s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000797371s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000879838s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.983e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000921453s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000964912s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for : 33 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for : 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00460317s [t=0.00716564s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00468619s Total time: 0.00716956s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.47 config 58: relative time 3, remaining 1536 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=True, preferred_successors_first=False, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 3.51 -> (4, 5) reading input... [t=2.6196e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000762318s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000773951s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000856305s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0112e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000897822s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000913601s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00385458s [t=0.00602879s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00387626s Total time: 0.0060328s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.47 config 59: relative time 1, remaining 1533 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,lm_cost_type=2)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.17 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.5057e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000731233s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000742053s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000821229s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.8771e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000861193s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000878174s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 15 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00365606s [t=0.00576666s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00367749s Total time: 0.00577049s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.46 config 60: relative time 30, remaining 1532 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hff], w=3, preferred=[hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 35.24 -> (36, 37) reading input... [t=2.527e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000737366s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000749588s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000826134s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.7764e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000865426s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00145673s [t=0.00263984s] Expanded 181 state(s). Reopened 17 state(s). Evaluated 181 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 386 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00146939s Total time: 0.0026435s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.46 config 61: relative time 1, remaining 1502 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'lazy(alt([tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hBlind,10)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hBlind,10)]),hBlind],pref_only=true),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)]),hFF],pref_only=true),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hCea,10)]),hCea]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hCea,10)]),hCea],pref_only=true),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hGoalCount,10)]),hGoalCount]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hGoalCount,10)]),hGoalCount],pref_only=true)],boost=2222),preferred=[hCea,hGoalCount],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.20 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.5174e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000730695s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000742972s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000819068s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.78e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000857698s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing goal count heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 25 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00470943s [t=0.00662812s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 620 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0047244s Total time: 0.00663194s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5312 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.46 config 62: relative time 17, remaining 1501 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_greedy([hcea, hlm], preferred=[hcea, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 20.38 -> (21, 22) reading input... [t=2.3607e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000693109s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000703051s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000777089s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.6868e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00081472s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000827587s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00216697s [t=0.00440698s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00218667s Total time: 0.00441079s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.46 config 63: relative time 1, remaining 1484 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=False, preferred_successors_first=True, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.21 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.3678e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00068286s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000692895s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00076723s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.6995e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000804774s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00082752s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00358255s [t=0.00555728s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00360314s Total time: 0.00556088s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.45 config 64: relative time 8, remaining 1483 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg,10)]),pref_only=true)],boost=100),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 9.71 -> (10, 11) reading input... [t=2.615e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000751272s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000762614s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000844286s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9409e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000885585s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000147039s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for ff(adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00401829s [t=0.00591161s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0040396s Total time: 0.00591927s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5276 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.45 config 65: relative time 5, remaining 1475 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hcea, hff], w=3, preferred=[hcea, hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 6.10 -> (7, 8) reading input... [t=2.301e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000659578s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000669303s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000740977s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.5852e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000777452s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00291295s [t=0.0042898s] Expanded 186 state(s). Reopened 22 state(s). Evaluated 186 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 396 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00292568s Total time: 0.00429353s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.44 config 66: relative time 33, remaining 1470 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,m=1)', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'eager(single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 5)])),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 40.40 -> (41, 42) reading input... [t=2.3059e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000675583s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000686854s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000758378s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.6081e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000794611s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000306446s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.000665862s [t=0.0020705s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.000713473s Total time: 0.00207389s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.44 config 67: relative time 1, remaining 1437 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_zg(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true)', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true,pref=false,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'eager(single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,3)])),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.25 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.2801e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000661395s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000671072s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00075181s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.6488e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000791238s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using Zhu/Givan label propagation Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00110479s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true, pref = false, transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.000678015s [t=0.00289477s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.000734659s Total time: 0.0028981s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.44 config 68: relative time 19, remaining 1436 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hCg),single(hCg,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 23.81 -> (24, 25) reading input... [t=2.273e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000671238s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000682587s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000755048s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.6311e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000791794s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000126184s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 7 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00127117s [t=0.00267837s] Expanded 178 state(s). Reopened 14 state(s). Evaluated 178 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 381 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00128348s Total time: 0.0026818s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5272 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.44 config 69: relative time 50, remaining 1417 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=false,no_orders=true,m=1,lm_cost_type=0)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 63.49 -> (64, 65) reading input... [t=3.6305e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00103914s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00107371s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00118737s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.0695e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00124453s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.00046665s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 19 Initial heuristic value for : 18 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00507389s [t=0.00731162s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00510507s Total time: 0.00731719s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.43 config 70: relative time 5, remaining 1367 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_zg(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true)', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true,pref=false,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'eager(single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,3)])),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 6.58 -> (7, 8) reading input... [t=3.578e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00103324s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00104805s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00116077s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.0885e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.0012176s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using Zhu/Givan label propagation Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00172462s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true, pref = false, transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00101464s [t=0.00445887s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00109964s Total time: 0.00446401s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.42 config 71: relative time 5, remaining 1362 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hFF, 10)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hFF, 10)]), pref_only=true)], boost=2000), preferred=[hFF], reopen_closed=false, cost_type=1, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 6.61 -> (7, 8) reading input... [t=2.2963e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000675448s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000686555s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000758605s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.6288e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000795267s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00164982s [t=0.00285789s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 155 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00166239s Total time: 0.00286139s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.42 config 72: relative time 6, remaining 1357 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hadd=add(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hadd), single(hadd, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hadd, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 7.96 -> (8, 9) reading input... [t=3.4287e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000994695s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00100912s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00111713s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.887e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.0011714s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00124364s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00291549s [t=0.00613735s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00294997s Total time: 0.00614249s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.42 config 73: relative time 20, remaining 1351 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=false,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'eager(alt([tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hBlind,9)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hLM,9)]),hLM]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hFF,9)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hGoalCount,9)]),hGoalCount])],boost=2005),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 26.64 -> (27, 28) reading input... [t=2.5365e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000726557s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000737143s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00081608s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.8547e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000856599s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000933658s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for : 33 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for : 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00451149s [t=0.00695701s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00459165s Total time: 0.00696084s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.41 config 74: relative time 2, remaining 1331 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcg, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.70 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=3.2178e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000906913s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000920137s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00101862s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.5772e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00107561s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000171589s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00111141s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00296031s [t=0.00643542s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00303579s Total time: 0.00644032s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5408 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.4 config 75: relative time 8, remaining 1329 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,m=1,lm_cost_type=2)', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)]),hLM]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)]),hLM],pref_only=true),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)]),hFF],pref_only=true)], boost=200),preferred=[hLM],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 10.83 -> (11, 12) reading input... [t=2.4179e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000704843s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00071541s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00079151s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.781e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000829993s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000358624s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 63 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 3 Initial heuristic value for : 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00457453s [t=0.00628232s] Expanded 175 state(s). Reopened 11 state(s). Evaluated 175 state(s). Evaluations: 339 Generated 374 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00459612s Total time: 0.0062861s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.4 config 76: relative time 1, remaining 1321 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hcea, hlm], w=3, preferred=[hcea, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.36 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=3.0699e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000911229s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000924372s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.0010196s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.4386e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00106809s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00106973s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00422595s [t=0.00716627s] Expanded 309 state(s). Reopened 145 state(s). Evaluated 309 state(s). Evaluations: 473 Generated 667 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00425079s Total time: 0.00717099s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.38 config 77: relative time 4, remaining 1320 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcg], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 5.45 -> (6, 7) reading input... [t=2.3553e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00068068s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000690509s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000764197s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.6856e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000801515s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000129693s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00133894s [t=0.0027961s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0013803s Total time: 0.00279958s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5272 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.38 config 78: relative time 3, remaining 1316 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager_greedy([hcea], preferred=[hcea], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 4.10 -> (5, 6) reading input... [t=2.9106e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000869921s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000882979s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000973489s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.2582e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00102544s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00258602s [t=0.00420025s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 329 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00265783s Total time: 0.00420464s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.38 config 79: relative time 9, remaining 1313 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=false, only_causal_landmarks=false, disjunctive_landmarks=true, conjunctive_landmarks=true, no_orders=true)', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg, admissible=false, pref=false, transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hLM, 3)]), hLM]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hHMax, 3)]), hHMax]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hAdd, 3)]), hAdd])], boost=3002), preferred=[], reopen_closed=true, cost_type=0, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 12.33 -> (13, 14) reading input... [t=2.8148e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000825382s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000837017s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000924653s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.151e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000968948s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000968489s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = false, pref = false, transform = adapt_costs(1)): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00563284s [t=0.00860081s] Expanded 165 state(s). Reopened 1 state(s). Evaluated 165 state(s). Evaluations: 493 Generated 354 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00566457s Total time: 0.00860797s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5056 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.37 config 80: relative time 6, remaining 1304 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hadd=add(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_greedy([hadd, hlm], preferred=[hadd, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 8.28 -> (9, 10) reading input... [t=2.634e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000767154s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000778304s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000864951s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9508e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000929735s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000874469s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0019688s [t=0.0042646s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00198972s Total time: 0.00426851s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.37 config 81: relative time 1, remaining 1298 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 4), weight(hBlind, 5)]), hBlind]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 4), weight(hHMax, 5)]), hHMax]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 4), weight(hCg, 5)]), hCg]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 4), weight(hGoalCount, 5)]), hGoalCount])], boost=1284), preferred=[], reopen_closed=false, cost_type=1, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.39 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=4.3977e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00127967s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00129869s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00143731s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.0353e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00150794s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000244056s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Initializing goal count heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 1 Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0041283s [t=0.00769941s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00425044s Total time: 0.00770642s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5408 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.36 config 82: relative time 1, remaining 1297 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_zg(reasonable_orders=false, only_causal_landmarks=false, disjunctive_landmarks=true, conjunctive_landmarks=true, no_orders=true)', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg, admissible=true, pref=false, transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hLM, 3)]))]), preferred=[], reopen_closed=true, cost_type=1, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.39 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=4.3751e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00138516s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00140892s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00155748s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.4016e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00163217s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using Zhu/Givan label propagation Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.0022647s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true, pref = false, transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00164943s [t=0.0063744s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00173056s Total time: 0.00638182s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.35 config 83: relative time 1, remaining 1296 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hCea,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCea,10)]),pref_only=true)],boost=536),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.39 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=2.616e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000783018s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000795881s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000877654s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9809e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000919103s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 25 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00386068s [t=0.00579055s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00395962s Total time: 0.00579463s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.35 config 84: relative time 9, remaining 1295 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([tiebreaking([sum([g(),hFF]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),hFF]),hFF],pref_only=true)],boost=432),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 12.51 -> (13, 14) reading input... [t=2.619e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000784361s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00079739s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000878872s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9315e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000920672s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00185666s [t=0.00319842s] Expanded 190 state(s). Reopened 26 state(s). Evaluated 190 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 406 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00187116s Total time: 0.00320262s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.35 config 85: relative time 4, remaining 1286 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hff, hlm], w=3, preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 5.60 -> (6, 7) reading input... [t=3.4031e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000989942s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00100402s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00111151s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.9144e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00116619s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00121938s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00320092s [t=0.00627908s] Expanded 185 state(s). Reopened 21 state(s). Evaluated 185 state(s). Evaluations: 349 Generated 393 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00322889s Total time: 0.0062841s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.34 config 86: relative time 14, remaining 1282 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 19.65 -> (20, 21) reading input... [t=2.5663e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000730861s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000741323s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000821256s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.859e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000861543s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00193577s [t=0.00323212s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00198368s Total time: 0.00323611s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.33 config 87: relative time 16, remaining 1268 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)]),pref_only=true)], boost=1000),preferred=[hLM,hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 22.70 -> (23, 24) reading input... [t=3.2616e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000981411s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000995541s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00109845s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.7284e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00115055s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000181282s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00114741s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for cg(adapt_costs(2)): 7 Initial heuristic value for : 18 Initial heuristic value for : 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0071755s [t=0.0108421s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 492 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00720601s Total time: 0.010847s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5544 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.32 config 88: relative time 5, remaining 1252 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hBlind, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hBlind, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hFF, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hFF, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hCg, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hCg, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hGoalCount, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hGoalCount, 3)]), pref_only=true)], boost=3662), preferred=[hFF], reopen_closed=true, cost_type=0, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 7.19 -> (8, 9) reading input... [t=2.5528e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000728214s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000739065s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000818451s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.8664e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000858889s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000140764s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 1 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 1 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00447886s [t=0.00660658s] Expanded 182 state(s). Reopened 18 state(s). Evaluated 182 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 390 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00449393s Total time: 0.00661043s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5372 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.32 config 89: relative time 69, remaining 1247 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_merged([lm_rhw(),lm_hm(m=1)],only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=false,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false)', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)]),pref_only=true)], boost=500),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 99.56 -> (100, 101) reading input... [t=2.7235e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000783342s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000794588s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000879925s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0934e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000923263s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Merging 2 landmark graphs Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000889777s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000375715s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 63 edges Adding simple landmarks Adding disjunctive landmarks Adding orderings Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.0017377s Discovered 35 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 160 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 19 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 Initial heuristic value for ff(adapt_costs(0)): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00265322s [t=0.00612865s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00267986s Total time: 0.00613258s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.3 config 90: relative time 2, remaining 1178 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 7)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 7)]),pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 3.05 -> (4, 5) reading input... [t=2.7045e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000781026s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000792612s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000877189s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0682e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000920059s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00167313s [t=0.00303745s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 155 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00168758s Total time: 0.00304157s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.3 config 91: relative time 1, remaining 1176 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false, only_causal_landmarks=false, disjunctive_landmarks=true, conjunctive_landmarks=true, no_orders=false, lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM, hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg, admissible=false, transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 8), weight(hBlind, 9)]), hBlind]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 8), weight(hLM, 9)]), hLM]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 8), weight(hFF, 9)]), hFF]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 8), weight(hGoalCount, 9)]), hGoalCount])], boost=2005), preferred=[], reopen_closed=true, cost_type=0, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.53 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=3.0004e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000886341s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000900101s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000991062s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.2909e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00103701s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00109987s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for : 33 Initial heuristic value for : 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00529814s [t=0.00826233s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00539349s Total time: 0.00826667s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.29 config 92: relative time 5, remaining 1175 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_greedy([hcg], preferred=[hcg], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 7.66 -> (8, 9) reading input... [t=2.8359e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000808676s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00082041s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000908264s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1471e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000952513s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000154342s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00124943s [t=0.00286924s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0012692s Total time: 0.0028762s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5276 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.29 config 93: relative time 4, remaining 1170 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 6.15 -> (7, 8) reading input... [t=4.7642e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00136366s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00138956s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00154367s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 6.946e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00162646s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00164398s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00496331s [t=0.00938684s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00506852s Total time: 0.00939415s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.28 config 94: relative time 4, remaining 1166 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 6.17 -> (7, 8) reading input... [t=2.8418e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000830542s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000842883s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000930894s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1958e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000975151s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00100318s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00301473s [t=0.00577494s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00303981s Total time: 0.00577922s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5056 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.27 config 95: relative time 14, remaining 1162 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hcea, hlm], w=3, preferred=[hcea, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 21.68 -> (22, 23) reading input... [t=2.8004e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000805445s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000817367s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000905461s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.175e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000949859s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000994823s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00373324s [t=0.00639333s] Expanded 309 state(s). Reopened 145 state(s). Evaluated 309 state(s). Evaluations: 473 Generated 667 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00375519s Total time: 0.00639742s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.26 config 96: relative time 21, remaining 1148 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcg], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 32.91 -> (33, 34) reading input... [t=2.7028e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000780432s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000791789s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000876445s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0845e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000919458s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000149263s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00157239s [t=0.00324492s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0016202s Total time: 0.0032488s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5272 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.26 config 97: relative time 65, remaining 1127 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=false,no_orders=true,m=1)', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hCg),single(hCg,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 103.77 -> (104, 105) reading input... [t=3.1488e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000904666s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000917892s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00102701s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.6562e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00108803s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000166796s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000421528s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for cg(adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00189603s [t=0.00441529s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00192132s Total time: 0.00441966s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5412 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.25 config 98: relative time 6, remaining 1062 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hadd=add(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager_greedy([hadd, hff], preferred=[hadd, hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 10.17 -> (11, 12) reading input... [t=2.6208e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000751085s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000762077s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000843914s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9659e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000885369s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00305905s [t=0.00448619s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 620 Generated 329 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00311727s Total time: 0.00449003s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.25 config 99: relative time 6, remaining 1056 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=False, preferred_successors_first=True, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 10.22 -> (11, 12) reading input... [t=2.6321e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000769677s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000781814s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000860799s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.8607e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000900978s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000886464s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00384781s [t=0.00598786s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00386866s Total time: 0.00599172s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.24 config 100: relative time 18, remaining 1050 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,lm_cost_type=2)', '--heuristic', 'hCea=cea(adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hFF),single(hFF,pref_only=true),single(hCea),single(hCea,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hLM,hCea],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 30.84 -> (31, 32) reading input... [t=2.7038e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000789997s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000801091s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000885812s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0773e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000964021s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000929871s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for cea(adapt_costs(2)): 29 Initial heuristic value for : 18 Initial heuristic value for : 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00576561s [t=0.00844056s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 465 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00578816s Total time: 0.00844463s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5184 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.24 config 101: relative time 21, remaining 1032 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)])),single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)]),pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 36.61 -> (37, 38) reading input... [t=2.6428e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000757581s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000768804s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000850558s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9805e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000891926s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00179004s [t=0.00313501s] Expanded 182 state(s). Reopened 18 state(s). Evaluated 182 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 388 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00180405s Total time: 0.00313889s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.24 config 102: relative time 1, remaining 1011 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)]),pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1.78 -> (2, 3) reading input... [t=3.5939e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00105146s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.0010673s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00118066s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.1061e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00123774s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000218775s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 7 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00303976s [t=0.00555666s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00306616s Total time: 0.00556387s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5276 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.23 config 103: relative time 106, remaining 1010 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true), type_based([hff, g()])], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=False, preferred_successors_first=True, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 188.83 -> (189, 190) reading input... [t=2.6133e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000750794s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000761696s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000843903s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.984e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00088504s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000916781s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00443481s [t=0.00667202s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00445678s Total time: 0.00667598s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.22 config 104: relative time 6, remaining 904 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),tiebreaking([sum([g(), weight(hBlind, 7)]), hBlind]), tiebreaking([sum([g(), weight(hHMax, 7)]), hHMax]), tiebreaking([sum([g(), weight(hAdd, 7)]), hAdd]), tiebreaking([sum([g(), weight(hCg, 7)]), hCg])], boost=2142), preferred=[], reopen_closed=true, cost_type=0, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 11.94 -> (12, 13) reading input... [t=3.2217e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00077198s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000783363s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000865489s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.995e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00090703s] Initializing blind search heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.00015067s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00298918s [t=0.00521974s] Expanded 167 state(s). Reopened 3 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 358 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00306815s Total time: 0.00522392s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5368 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.21 config 105: relative time 3, remaining 898 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hcea], w=3, preferred=[hcea], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 6.01 -> (7, 8) reading input... [t=2.6374e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000751605s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000762631s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000845334s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9553e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000886657s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00202108s [t=0.00338274s] Expanded 199 state(s). Reopened 35 state(s). Evaluated 199 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 428 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0020352s Total time: 0.00338671s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.21 config 106: relative time 1, remaining 895 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hCg, 2)]),hCg]),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.01 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=2.6212e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000750686s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000761624s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.0008427s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9586e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000884207s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000154598s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(adapt_costs(1)): 5 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00121605s [t=0.00277403s] Expanded 172 state(s). Reopened 8 state(s). Evaluated 172 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 368 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00123415s Total time: 0.00277791s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5272 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.21 config 107: relative time 38, remaining 894 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hBlind,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hBlind,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hFF,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hFF,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hCg,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hCg,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hGoalCount,3)])),single(sum([weight(g(),2),weight(hGoalCount,3)]),pref_only=true)],boost=3662),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 76.48 -> (77, 78) reading input... [t=2.6561e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000766722s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000778783s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000860021s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9459e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000901137s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000143142s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 1 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 1 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00413153s [t=0.00628564s] Expanded 171 state(s). Reopened 7 state(s). Evaluated 171 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 364 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00414662s Total time: 0.00628957s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5368 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.21 config 108: relative time 1, remaining 856 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([g(), weight(hcea, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcea, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hff, hcea], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.10 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=2.6225e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000777389s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000789583s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000870799s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9459e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000912134s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.004641s [t=0.00649034s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00472348s Total time: 0.00649462s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.2 config 109: relative time 9, remaining 855 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcg], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 18.94 -> (19, 20) reading input... [t=2.5659e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000758162s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000769903s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00084828s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.8607e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000887963s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000139688s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00157879s [t=0.00321081s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00162022s Total time: 0.00321456s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5272 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.2 config 110: relative time 44, remaining 846 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false,lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=false,transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'eager(alt([tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hBlind,9)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hLM,9)]),hLM]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hFF,9)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),8),weight(hGoalCount,9)]),hGoalCount])],boost=2005),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 93.58 -> (94, 95) reading input... [t=2.5215e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000725553s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000735752s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000814588s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.8795e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000854255s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000933847s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for : 33 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for : 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0044227s [t=0.00686894s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00450207s Total time: 0.00687284s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.19 config 111: relative time 9, remaining 802 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 7)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 7)]),pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 20.19 -> (21, 22) reading input... [t=3.0125e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000869352s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000882066s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000977026s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.4528e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00102528s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00218069s [t=0.00370953s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 155 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00220149s Total time: 0.00371656s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.19 config 112: relative time 6, remaining 793 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_zg(reasonable_orders=false, only_causal_landmarks=false, disjunctive_landmarks=true, conjunctive_landmarks=true, no_orders=true)', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg, admissible=true, pref=false, transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hLM, 3)]))]), preferred=[], reopen_closed=true, cost_type=1, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 13.61 -> (14, 15) reading input... [t=4.7932e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00141207s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00143413s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00158275s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.4118e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00165795s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using Zhu/Givan label propagation Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00230237s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true, pref = false, transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0017116s [t=0.00647697s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00179115s Total time: 0.00648409s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.18 config 113: relative time 51, remaining 787 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_rhw(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=true,lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM,hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg,admissible=true,transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM, 10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF, 10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)]),pref_only=true)], boost=1000),preferred=[hLM,hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 116.59 -> (117, 118) reading input... [t=7.789e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00132307s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00134198s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00148125s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.0849e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00155235s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000243639s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00156629s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 7 Initial heuristic value for : 18 Initial heuristic value for : 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0101898s [t=0.0152191s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 492 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0102317s Total time: 0.0152257s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5544 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.16 config 114: relative time 14, remaining 736 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=True, preferred_successors_first=True, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 34.22 -> (35, 36) reading input... [t=4.2307e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00122329s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00124094s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00137264s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.7563e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00144005s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00150033s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00631171s [t=0.00984266s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00634565s Total time: 0.00984858s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.15 config 115: relative time 1, remaining 722 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hFF, 10)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hFF, 10)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([g(), weight(hGoalCount, 10)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hGoalCount, 10)]), pref_only=true)], boost=2000), preferred=[hFF, hGoalCount], reopen_closed=false, cost_type=1, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.49 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=3.8061e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00108712s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00110312s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00122169s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.2916e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00128175s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00341183s [t=0.00551986s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00343233s Total time: 0.00552536s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4920 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.14 config 116: relative time 1, remaining 721 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),tiebreaking([sum([g(), hFF]), hFF]), tiebreaking([sum([g(), hFF]), hFF], pref_only=true)], boost=432), preferred=[hFF], reopen_closed=true, cost_type=1, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.50 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=3.7858e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00108872s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00110482s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00122296s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.3023e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00128374s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00339387s [t=0.00533863s] Expanded 197 state(s). Reopened 33 state(s). Evaluated 197 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 422 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00341453s Total time: 0.00534449s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.14 config 117: relative time 52, remaining 720 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hcea, hlm], w=3, preferred=[hcea, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 129.94 -> (130, 131) reading input... [t=3.4159e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00101146s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00102583s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00113288s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.9082e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00118721s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00119904s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00482861s [t=0.00809186s] Expanded 309 state(s). Reopened 145 state(s). Evaluated 309 state(s). Evaluations: 473 Generated 667 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00485677s Total time: 0.00809707s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.13 config 118: relative time 1, remaining 668 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true), type_based([hff, g()])], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=True, preferred_successors_first=True, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.69 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=3.6459e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00103848s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00106601s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00119857s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.1725e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00125643s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00125904s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00592029s [t=0.00901223s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00595077s Total time: 0.00901753s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.12 config 119: relative time 2, remaining 667 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCg, 10)]),pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=2,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 5.39 -> (6, 7) reading input... [t=5.6803e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00138602s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00140719s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00155565s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.3908e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00163032s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000260437s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 7 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00309195s [t=0.00618162s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00311847s Total time: 0.00618906s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5276 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.12 config 120: relative time 3, remaining 665 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_zg(reasonable_orders=true, only_causal_landmarks=false, disjunctive_landmarks=true, conjunctive_landmarks=true, no_orders=false)', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--heuristic', 'hCea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg, admissible=false, pref=true, transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hLM, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hLM, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hHMax, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hHMax, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hCg, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hCg, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hCea, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hCea, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hGoalCount, 3)])), single(sum([weight(g(), 2), weight(hGoalCount, 3)]), pref_only=true)], boost=2508), preferred=[hCea, hGoalCount], reopen_closed=false, cost_type=0, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 8.12 -> (9, 10) reading input... [t=3.1626e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000925617s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000939308s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00103815s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.5878e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00108818s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000172394s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing goal count heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using Zhu/Givan label propagation approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00150594s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 30 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 1 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = false, pref = true, transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0103249s [t=0.0152906s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 820 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0103632s Total time: 0.0152953s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5688 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.09 config 121: relative time 11, remaining 662 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false)', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true,pref=false,transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hHMax,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hHMax,3)]),pref_only=true)],boost=3052),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 29.89 -> (30, 31) reading input... [t=3.1551e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000897666s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000910657s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00100584s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.4299e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00105384s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00112511s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true, pref = false, transform = adapt_costs(1)): 15 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00526927s [t=0.00866207s] Expanded 176 state(s). Reopened 12 state(s). Evaluated 176 state(s). Evaluations: 668 Generated 372 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00529919s Total time: 0.00866693s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.09 config 122: relative time 1, remaining 651 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hcea, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcea, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcea, hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.76 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=2.7912e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000807264s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000819441s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000907933s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.2035e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000952181s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00397303s [t=0.00589646s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00398875s Total time: 0.00590081s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.08 config 123: relative time 11, remaining 650 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager_greedy([hcea], preferred=[hcea], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 30.45 -> (31, 32) reading input... [t=2.7731e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000825117s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000837062s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000925061s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1618e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000969586s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00390609s [t=0.00541117s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 329 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00397933s Total time: 0.00541829s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.08 config 124: relative time 4, remaining 639 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hcea, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcea, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcea, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 11.26 -> (12, 13) reading input... [t=2.7999e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000812852s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000824989s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000912392s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1821e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000956813s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00100781s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00359666s [t=0.00651029s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00362578s Total time: 0.00651524s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5184 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.07 config 125: relative time 1, remaining 635 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager_greedy([hcg, hff], preferred=[hcg, hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 2.83 -> (3, 4) reading input... [t=4.8247e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.0013626s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00138296s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00153237s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.3704e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00160773s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000253466s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00543582s [t=0.00863536s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00554499s Total time: 0.00864287s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5360 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.07 config 126: relative time 119, remaining 634 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hFF,5)]),hFF]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hFF,5)]),hFF],pref_only=true),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hAdd,5)]),hAdd]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hAdd,5)]),hAdd],pref_only=true)],boost=2537),preferred=[hFF,hAdd],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 337.68 -> (338, 339) reading input... [t=4.7424e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00136085s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00138124s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00152855s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.3468e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00160416s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 29 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.005959s [t=0.00901397s] Expanded 176 state(s). Reopened 12 state(s). Evaluated 176 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 374 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0059875s Total time: 0.00902113s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.06 config 127: relative time 58, remaining 515 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcg, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 202.61 -> (203, 204) reading input... [t=2.8257e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000807494s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000819103s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000907079s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1809e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000951535s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000155375s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000969802s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00252634s [t=0.00556092s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00255139s Total time: 0.00556505s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5412 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.05 config 128: relative time 15, remaining 457 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 59.05 -> (60, 61) reading input... [t=2.7103e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00116665s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.0011897s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.001337s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.3859e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00141189s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00387052s [t=0.00616446s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00396304s Total time: 0.00617166s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.05 config 129: relative time 4, remaining 442 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'eager(alt([tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hBlind,5)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hHMax,5)]),hHMax]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hCg,5)]),hCg]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(),4),weight(hGoalCount,5)]),hGoalCount])],boost=1284),preferred=[],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 16.28 -> (17, 18) reading input... [t=2.6982e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00079088s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000803825s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000888322s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0887e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000930996s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000148203s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Initializing goal count heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 1 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00234832s [t=0.00448459s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00242729s Total time: 0.0044889s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5408 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.05 config 130: relative time 26, remaining 438 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hCea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hCea,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hCea,10)]),pref_only=true)],boost=536),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 106.79 -> (107, 108) reading input... [t=3.1441e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000908047s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000921226s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00101986s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.5798e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00106991s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 25 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00458955s [t=0.00695932s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00471336s Total time: 0.00696411s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5180 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.04 config 131: relative time 15, remaining 412 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hAdd=add(transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--search', 'eager(alt([tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hBlind,7)]),hBlind]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hHMax,7)]),hHMax]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hAdd,7)]),hAdd]),tiebreaking([sum([g(),weight(hCg,7)]),hCg])],boost=2142),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 65.50 -> (66, 67) reading input... [t=2.8669e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000869613s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000883847s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000974503s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.3019e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00102047s] Initializing blind search heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000158807s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(0)): 3 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00314681s [t=0.00559347s] Expanded 165 state(s). Reopened 1 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 352 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00324361s Total time: 0.00559809s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5368 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.03 config 132: relative time 16, remaining 397 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager_greedy([hff, hlm], preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 72.50 -> (73, 74) reading input... [t=3.2571e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000844379s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000857384s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00097493s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 4.394e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00102417s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000983391s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00278487s [t=0.00538647s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00284982s Total time: 0.00539093s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.03 config 133: relative time 12, remaining 381 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hadd=add(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hadd), single(hadd, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hadd, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 56.66 -> (57, 58) reading input... [t=2.8052e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00080505s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00081727s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000905818s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1966e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000950637s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.0010089s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.0024654s [t=0.00510891s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00248924s Total time: 0.00511324s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.03 config 134: relative time 32, remaining 369 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hff, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hff], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 156.01 -> (157, 158) reading input... [t=2.9092e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000838171s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000850659s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000942118s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.3041e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000988212s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00225269s [t=0.0037432s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00230806s Total time: 0.00374763s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.01 config 135: relative time 19, remaining 337 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hlm,hff=lm_ff_syn(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=one), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(hff), single(hff, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true), type_based([g()])], boost=1000), preferred=[hff,hlm], cost_type=one, reopen_closed=false, randomize_successors=True, preferred_successors_first=False, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 101.43 -> (102, 103) reading input... [t=2.7941e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000808727s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000820637s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000907942s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1578e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000952608s] Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000981443s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for : 16 Initial heuristic value for : 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00466652s [t=0.00706731s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.004691s Total time: 0.00707179s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.0 config 136: relative time 1, remaining 318 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,10)]),pref_only=true)],boost=2000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 5.66 -> (6, 7) reading input... [t=2.7298e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000798389s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000811649s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000897147s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.1018e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000940478s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00162483s [t=0.00301162s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 155 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00163956s Total time: 0.00301588s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.0 config 137: relative time 149, remaining 317 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)])),single(sum([weight(g(), 2),weight(hFF, 3)]),pref_only=true)], boost=5000),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 845.59 -> (846, 847) reading input... [t=2.7e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000775776s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000786962s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000871912s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0874e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000915254s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(adapt_costs(1)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00182878s [t=0.00320792s] Expanded 182 state(s). Reopened 18 state(s). Evaluated 182 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 388 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0018433s Total time: 0.00321198s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.0 config 138: relative time 3, remaining 168 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hcg, hlm], w=3, preferred=[hcg, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 32.12 -> (33, 34) reading input... [t=2.9467e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000838394s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000850811s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000942913s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.3323e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000989248s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000161617s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00104006s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00201717s [t=0.00497994s] Expanded 166 state(s). Reopened 2 state(s). Evaluated 166 state(s). Evaluations: 330 Generated 355 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00204284s Total time: 0.00498411s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5412 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1799.0 config 139: relative time 1, remaining 165 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcea=cea(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(sum([g(), weight(hcea, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcea, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcea], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 10.90 -> (11, 12) reading input... [t=2.6147e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000751467s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000762646s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00084457s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9789e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000886206s] Initializing context-enhanced additive heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cea(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00234188s [t=0.00383807s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00235687s Total time: 0.00384203s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.99 config 140: relative time 46, remaining 164 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hadd=add(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_wastar([hadd, hlm], w=3, preferred=[hadd, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 504.59 -> (505, 506) reading input... [t=2.6018e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.0007514s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000762784s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000844478s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9705e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000885799s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000908322s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00242724s [t=0.00473922s] Expanded 182 state(s). Reopened 18 state(s). Evaluated 182 state(s). Evaluations: 346 Generated 387 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00244876s Total time: 0.00474315s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.99 config 141: relative time 25, remaining 118 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,2)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,2)]))],boost=4480),preferred=[],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 381.14 -> (382, 383) reading input... [t=2.6274e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000752475s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000763266s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000844791s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9461e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000891519s] Initializing blind search heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 16 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00139119s [t=0.00274757s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00144607s Total time: 0.00275143s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.98 config 142: relative time 9, remaining 93 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hcg), single(hcg, pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcg], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 174.09 -> (175, 176) reading input... [t=2.6915e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000778589s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000789818s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00087398s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0605e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000916644s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000149006s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00140586s [t=0.00303522s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 164 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00141998s Total time: 0.00303913s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5272 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.97 config 143: relative time 4, remaining 84 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hadd=add(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hadd), single(hadd, pref_only=true), single(hcg), single(hcg, pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hadd, hcg], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 85.67 -> (86, 87) reading input... [t=2.5834e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00075759s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000768699s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00086981s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9713e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000911639s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000143444s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.002538s [t=0.00438366s] Expanded 155 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 155 state(s). Evaluations: 310 Generated 333 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 155 Int hash set load factor: 155/256 = 0.605469 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00255256s Total time: 0.00438781s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5408 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.97 config 144: relative time 32, remaining 80 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false,only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=true,no_orders=false)', '--heuristic', 'hFF=ff(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hHMax=hmax()', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true,pref=false,transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--search', 'lazy(alt([single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hBlind,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hFF,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hLM,3)]),pref_only=true),single(sum([g(),weight(hHMax,3)])),single(sum([g(),weight(hHMax,3)]),pref_only=true)],boost=3052),preferred=[hFF],reopen_closed=true,cost_type=0,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 719.59 -> (720, 721) reading input... [t=2.5998e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000782606s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000795493s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000877533s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0195e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00091886s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing HSP max heuristic... Initializing blind search heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000966023s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for hmax: 3 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 19 Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true, pref = false, transform = adapt_costs(1)): 15 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00436291s [t=0.00729663s] Expanded 176 state(s). Reopened 12 state(s). Evaluated 176 state(s). Evaluations: 668 Generated 372 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00438868s Total time: 0.00730044s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.96 config 145: relative time 10, remaining 48 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_exhaust(reasonable_orders=false, only_causal_landmarks=false, disjunctive_landmarks=true, conjunctive_landmarks=true, no_orders=false, lm_cost_type=1)', '--heuristic', 'hGoalCount=goalcount(transform=adapt_costs(2))', '--heuristic', 'hLM, hFF=lm_ff_syn(lmg, admissible=false, transform=adapt_costs(0))', '--heuristic', 'hBlind=blind()', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 8), weight(hBlind, 9)]), hBlind]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 8), weight(hLM, 9)]), hLM]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 8), weight(hFF, 9)]), hFF]), tiebreaking([sum([weight(g(), 8), weight(hGoalCount, 9)]), hGoalCount])], boost=2005), preferred=[], reopen_closed=true, cost_type=0, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 374.78 -> (375, 376) reading input... [t=2.4914e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000722362s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000732617s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000815711s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.8607e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00085536s] Initializing goal count heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks by testing all facts with RPG method Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00093527s Discovered 54 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Initializing LAMA-FF synergy object Initializing blind search heuristic... Conducting best first search with reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 21 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for blind: 0 Initial heuristic value for goalcount(transform = adapt_costs(2)): 1 Initial heuristic value for : 33 Initial heuristic value for : 3 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00461318s [t=0.00709778s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.0046916s Total time: 0.0071017s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5048 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.96 config 146: relative time 27, remaining 38 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hcg), single(hcg, pref_only=true), single(hlm), single(hlm, pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcg, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1278.21 -> (1279, 1280) reading input... [t=2.6529e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000757968s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000769358s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.00085091s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.9595e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000892073s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000144738s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000932377s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00215807s [t=0.00492009s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00221546s Total time: 0.00492419s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5408 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.95 config 147: relative time 1, remaining 11 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--landmarks', 'lmg=lm_hm(only_causal_landmarks=false,disjunctive_landmarks=true,conjunctive_landmarks=false,no_orders=true,m=1)', '--heuristic', 'hCg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(1))', '--heuristic', 'hLM=lmcount(lmg,admissible=true)', '--search', 'lazy(alt([type_based([g()]),single(hLM),single(hLM,pref_only=true),single(hCg),single(hCg,pref_only=true)], boost=0),preferred=[hCg],reopen_closed=false,cost_type=1,bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 163.54 -> (164, 165) reading input... [t=2.4628e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.00070957s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000720005s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000797065s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.7832e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000835969s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000135897s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... h^m landmarks m=1 Using 61 P^m fluents. Level 1 completed. Level 2 completed. Level 3 completed. Level 4 completed. Level 5 completed. Level 6 completed. Level 7 completed. Level 8 completed. Level 9 completed. Level 10 completed. Level 11 completed. Level 12 completed. Level 13 completed. Level 14 completed. Level 15 completed. Level 16 completed. Level 17 completed. Level 18 completed. h^m landmarks computed. Removing all orderings. Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Calculating achievers. Landmarks generation time: 0.000314946s Discovered 32 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 0 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 16 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(1)): 5 Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lmg, admissible = true): 3 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00182051s [t=0.00382652s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00184314s Total time: 0.00383018s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5412 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.95 config 148: relative time 8, remaining 10 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hcg=cg(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hcg, 3)]), pref_only=true), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hlm, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hcg, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1439.16 -> (1440, 1441) reading input... [t=2.5275e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000725484s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000736136s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000815971s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 2.8787e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000856099s] Initializing heuristic cache... building causal graph...done! [t=0.000139273s] done! Initializing causal graph heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.000907297s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for cg(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 5 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00222926s [t=0.00500872s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 656 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00229258s Total time: 0.00501271s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5412 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.95 config 149: relative time 2, remaining 2 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hadd=add(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'eager(alt([single(sum([g(), weight(hadd, 3)])), single(sum([g(), weight(hadd, 3)]), pref_only=true)]), preferred=[hadd], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1798.95 -> (1799, 1800) reading input... [t=2.703e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.000781322s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.000792876s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.000877894s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 3.0735e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.000921596s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Conducting best first search without reopening closed nodes, (real) bound = 10 Initial heuristic value for add(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 25 pruning method: none Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00217178s [t=0.00354998s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 349 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00222816s Total time: 0.0035572s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 4916 KB exitcode: 5 remaining time: 1798.94 config 0: relative time 1, remaining 1 g bound: 10 next plan number: 2 args: ['/planner/builds/release64/bin/downward', '--heuristic', 'hff=ff(transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--heuristic', 'hlm=lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders=true, lm_cost_type=2), transform=adapt_costs(one))', '--search', 'lazy_greedy([hff, hlm], preferred=[hff, hlm], cost_type=one, bound=10)', '--internal-previous-portfolio-plans', '1', '--internal-plan-file', 'sas_plan'] time limit 1798.94 -> (1799, 1800) reading input... [t=4.6752e-05s] done reading input! [t=0.0013664s] packing state variables...done! [t=0.00138664s] Variables: 21 FactPairs: 61 Bytes per state: 4 Building successor generator...done! [t=0.0015536s] peak memory difference for root successor generator creation: 0 KB time for root successor generation creation: 5.462e-05s done initializing global data [t=0.00165799s] Simplifying 179 unary operators... done! [179 unary operators] Initializing additive heuristic... Initializing FF heuristic... Initializing Exploration... Initializing landmarks count heuristic... Generating landmarks using the RPG/SAS+ approach approx. reasonable orders approx. obedient reasonable orders Removed 0 reasonable or obedient reasonable orders Landmarks generation time: 0.00163211s Discovered 34 landmarks, of which 0 are disjunctive and 0 are conjunctive 141 edges Conducting lazy best first search, (real) bound = 10 18 initial landmarks, 2 goal landmarks Initial heuristic value for lmcount(lm_rhw(reasonable_orders = true, lm_cost_type = 2), transform = adapt_costs(one)): 19 Initial heuristic value for ff(transform = adapt_costs(one)): 16 Completely explored state space -- no solution! Actual search time: 0.00382111s [t=0.00806756s] Expanded 164 state(s). Reopened 0 state(s). Evaluated 164 state(s). Evaluations: 328 Generated 351 state(s). Dead ends: 0 state(s). Number of registered states: 164 Int hash set load factor: 164/256 = 0.640625 Int hash set resizes: 8 Search time: 0.00385879s Total time: 0.00807451s Search stopped without finding a solution. Peak memory: 5052 KB exitcode: 5 Checking plan: /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpAZ0RK7/sas_plan.1 Plan executed successfully - checking goal Plan valid Final value: 10 Successful plans: Value: 10 /home/linuxbuildslave/buildslaves/ailinux/ipc-build-singularity-linux/build/tmpAZ0RK7/sas_plan.1 10